Post your [b]accepted[/b] character(s) here. In this opening post, I'll keep a running list of every character and their status -- be it alive, dead, or missing. Additionally, here you can see a list of all NPCs within the context of the story. [hider=Character Roster] [i]Alive - [/i] [b]Desmond Williams[/b] - FortunesFaded [b]Scout Moreau[/b] - McHaggis [b]John Kreuger[/b] - FallenTrinity [b]Sarah Rivera[/b] - CandiBarr [b]Wilhelm Taggart[/b] - Foster [b]Conner Davis[/b] - Love Me Dead [b]Anastasia Abramova[/b] - Pirouette [b]Gabel Wester[/b] - Love Me Dead [b]Hunter Monroe[/b] - Remipa Awesome [b]Cole Anderson[/b] - Desire [b]Sam Ledge[/b] - ChronoBovino [b]Todd Dillon[/b] - Wade Wilson [b]Chase[/b] - Exit [b]Laura Johnson[/b] - Symphoni [b]Anthony Strayker[/b] - Neo Anderson [b]Orion Forrester[/b] - XxLyraxX [b]Estelle Forrester[/b] - XxLyraxX [i]Deceased - [/i] [b]Patrick Willis[/b] - LPFan [i]Missing - [/i] [b]Andrey Moskvin[/b] - Comrade Doge [b]Jazileena Felix[/b] - Love Me Dead [b]Micah Stubbe[/b] - hagroden [b]Justin Holdner[/b] - EndlessThoughts [b]Dwyn Vaughan[/b] - Caramelcorn [b]Michael Coughlan[/b] - Trooper [b]Joshua Hertz[/b] - Cassowarysaur [b]Mable Ainsworth[/b] - Ktyria [b]Kinley Ainsworth[/b] - Ktyria [b]Lisa Harris[/b] - Monkeypants [b]Billy Davis[/b] - Monkeypants [b]Fong Yong Gun[/b] - Darkraven [b]Jeremy Lim[/b] - Darkraven [/hider] [hider=NPCs] [b]Douglas Knowles[/b] -- [i]Former WPD officer, leader of the safehouse on 8th Street[/i] [b]Ron Bulinski[/b] -- [i]Former WPD officer, member of the safehouse on 8th street[/i] [b]Patricia Cooper[/b] -- [i]Former town clerk, member of the safehouse on 8th street[/i] [b]Omar Tulley[/b] -- [i]Former lifeguard, member of the safehouse on 8th street[/i] [b]Tommy Davidson[/b] -- Former dealer, runs the Reckoning gang [/hider] [hider=Groups] [b]8th Street:[/b] [i]Location -[/i] The Safe House on 8th Street in Wilmington, Delaware [i]Members -[/i] Ana John James Chase Desmond Scout Sarah Hunter Cole Laura Todd Sam Gabel Wilhelm [i]In addition, the following individuals are heading out to complete tasks for the group[/i]: [u]Find the missing officers:[/u] - Desmond - Doug [u]Find food[/u]: - Scout - Todd [u]Find medicine[/u]: - Sarah - Chase [u]Collect materials[/u]: - Cole - John [/hider]