[b]True Name:[/b] Lars Vinter [b]Taken Name:[/b] Johnny Rune [b]Given Name:[/b] Johan Hök [b]Appearence: [/b]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8d/c7/56/8dc75609840cfd0410b793f62e885cb7.jpg Johnny stands a good 6'3 tall, with sharp and distinguished features. His mane of hair is usually seen in a side cut, his ears have a few piercings from his more rebellious phase in life. His eyes are a stark, cold blue. His torso is riddled with old Norse tattoos. Complicated designs of magical runes are carved into his back, a spiral of Fhark runes that end with the Odin rune in blood red across his neck. [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Personality:[/b] Johny Rune is a uneasy mixture of easy going charisma, short temper and the foulest mouth you'll ever meet. Johny is the type who hates having to push himself, and who will talk before taking action. He is a wretched soul, who has allowed his life be consumed by selfpity and alcohol. But despite his less then ideal state of mind, the man is armed with a wit and arsenal of swearwords that'd make a demon blush. Despite his many flaws, at his core Johnny is a bleeding heart humanitarian, who would willingly suffer so others don't have to. [b]Nature of magic:[/b] Arcane Purity/Ceremonial [b]Magic practice: [/b] Runemagic: A practitioner of the old Norse ways, Johan uses runes as his primary language of magic. He inscribes runes into objects to make them in to talisman of varying degrees of use. Mainly, he uses his connection to the stream to infuse these talismans directly. He has spent his past 11 years as a magus to control the influx of power to achieve this. Most his magic is still conducted to rituals, as to temper the power within him. [b]Brief bio:[/b] Johan Hök was born to a family in northern Sweden. As it were, Johan was born in the middle of a very harsh, unforgiving winter. His father, Emil Hök wished for the boy to be named Johan, while his Mother would call him "Vinter barn" or "Child of Winter." Thus was it fate that ordained Johan to grow up as Winter to those of magic, Johan to the normal world. Johan was never interested in his parents profession as fishers, but instead sought out archeology. Thats when he discovered runes. Learning rune scripture was hard but somehow very close to heart for the boy. Under the tutelage of a old Rune Priest however, Johan where to enter the shadowy sub realm of humanity. That of fey, magicians and demons. Johan was always a believer of the ways of old. And when he researched deeper onto the magic that vikings once utilized, he found himself in a magicians circle. The Circle consisted by a actual rune priest, his two students: Johan and a girl named Agatha and old African shaman that were interested in how this kind of magic worked. Under the Priests tutelage Johan were soon versatile and powerful in his magic. An avid student he was very good at the basics. His training however were to see an abrupt end. Trough magic not witnessed in decades a troll somehow awakened. The circle along with pretty much all of the magicians in that part of Sweden rushed to put it to back into slumber. The problem with trolls however: They are immune to much of our magic. Of course, Johan had the brilliant idea to carve runes onto his own body. An act most unpleasant and forbidden and the result was immediate. For a brief moment Johan became a beacon of arcane power, being able to channel enough into his circle to empower everyone. The troll was vanquished, but it left Johan broken in body and soul. His mind was faced with a powerful addiction to raw magic, and his body wrecked by nerve damage. The Rune Priest sent Johan abroad to avoid his student from being taken to trial by upset and outraged magicians. Johan left for the US without even knowing his old Mentors name. A privilege that he was days away from learning before it all went to hell. Johan tried to live a normal life. He failed. He grew up, got a wife but fell into depression due to his nightmares and the constant onslaught of magic related things he had to hide. He had become a magnet to lesser creatures that felt his bodys innate power. He was later divorced after it all became to much for both him and his wife. Now he finds himself with a whole new set of nightmares. Ones he shares with a lot of people. Those of a giant...