After all the placement duels had ended, there came an announcement. Moving to the lobby with everyone else, an old man came out and gave a speech on the importance of the origins of Dueling and the Heart of the Cards. Once that was done, the same bored teacher who handed them their packs and decks began to list who were in what dorm. Michelle noted that the teacher didn't seem to care how to pronounce everyone's names, but as long as she knew where she was, it didn't matter to her. Michelle also noted that she was in the Light dorm, which was apparently the highest placement one could get. Michelle left after the announcements were over and went to go find her room. The Light rooms were, well, quite spacious and luxurious. It was to be expected for the highest placement dorms, but still. Opening the closet, she found the yellow uniforms and decided to try one on. It wasn't the best looking, but it fit and it was comfortable enough. She had no need for anything else. She sat down on the edge of her bed and began looking through her deck. As she shuffled through her deck and her eyes landed on Soaring Knight Parshath, Michelle looked back on her duel. At the moment, Yin looked like she was about to activate a Trap card, but held back at the last moment. Now that Michelle gave it some thought, she might have actually lost instead if Yin had used it. With that thought in mind, Michelle could no longer count her victory against Yin as an actual victory. Michelle silently vowed to have a rematch against Yin someday and see who would really triumph over the other. Returning to reality, Michelle noticed that it was getting dark. Michelle got ready for bed and went to sleep, intending to be well rested for tomorrow. However, it seemed as though tomorrow had other ideas. An announcement was made very early in the morning, waking Michelle up abruptly. She rubbed her eyes and put on her glasses to check the time. Too early for her standards, but she would make do. Michelle got out of bed and stretched, then got dressed and headed out to Arena B1 as the announcement requested. Whatever it was, it better be important enough to wake up this early.