[center] [h3] Koyoshi Murakami[/h3] { Squad 9 Quarters }[/center] [color=fdc68a][b]"Three-forty... Three-forty-one... Three-forty-two"[/b][/color] Koyoshi kept one hand planted firmly on the ground as her entire body was suspended straight up in the air, her other hand keeping her long hair against her back as she continued her small workout. Under her lay the list of potential lieutenant candidates which was she reading at the same time, small beads of sweat dripping down onto the floor as she thought to herself on the matter. She had to pick someone to stand along side her, someone who understood the real her and not the mascot that she had painted herself as, that was the choice she had made but... [color=fdc68a][b]"Does anyone from my squad even fit the bill? Humph!" [/b][/color] Swapping her arms in a instant she continued, but the more she did the more worried she became over the matter that she may have to look outside of her team, or just hope someone joins her... She suspected the reason was that she may have been seen as the 'weakest' captain, but she had no time to be worrying about such things as that! Pushing off the ground she hoped back onto her feet, her other hand snatching up the paper as she did so. [color=fdc68a][b]"Shower, then food... The sun is coming up after all, wouldn't want everyone to enjoy their food without me help cook it."[/b][/color] [center]{ Squad 11 Quarters }[/center] A hour later Koyoshi was at the kitchen, the rising sun peeking over the seireitei as once again she was planning to work her magic! Tieing up her hair into a combat ready pony tail she also pulled free her scarf and tied it around her head in a make shift bandana! [color=fdc68a][b]"Now, let us see what I may create today!"[/b][/color] With that the scents of Koyoshi cooking filled the inside of the squad 11 barracks and even beyond as she started to create a Apple Risotto, the apple scents were complemented by the side of bacon that she had included to give it a nice balance for all within her squad, this was one of the 'powers' that Koyoshi had formed to bring people under her command together! Soon people were already lineing up, wondering what the captain was making for them today. Why 11? Well it was simple; their kichen was better than hers, liekly due to that old saying 'a army matches on its stomach'. [color=fdc68a][b]"I hope all enjoy~" [/b][/color]