[hider=Appearance][img]https://yt3.ggpht.com/-B5J2qU47zVI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/EQ5LDy-EPI4/s900-c-k-no/photo.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Jack Stahl. Age: 26. Powers: [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Corruption_Inducement]Corruption Inducement[/url]. Weapons: None if he can help it. Bio: Jack was born to an interesting pair of a villain and female vigilante who would only after raising himself and his younger twin Nina find out who the other was. One glaring piece of evidence had been him because his mother was the only known corruption inducer in the region while his sister gained her father's artistic creation power. The mother would end up dealing a fatal shot to the man, using her power to get information to cover any doubts, ending him after his impressive run that had lasted since he was a young man himself and she did a good job at covering her tracks to prevent discovery. But before the death both parents had raised two intelligent and creative kids though Jack had some of his father's worse habits of taking what he wanted when he wanted it. Despite his mother's attempts it was difficult to keep Jack from using his mind and strong control of his power to get what he wanted though hurting anyone seemed to be a no go for him. It certainly caused some tension with his mother, especially when she realized her own power was less than her sons, but he only seemed to do it when money was short or if he saw something that he found interesting. Jack seemed to see stealing less as a crime and more as a way to keep food on the table which while it didn't make him popular he wasn't wrong. He also seemed very protective of his sister who seemed to be accepting enough of his methods as long as he never hurt anyone, she might well have been the reason he never went further. One thing that struck the boy was the death of his father which made him have to sober up quickly and grow up quicker but also made him curious as to who did it. He found getting information wasn't particularly hard when he could take it and he also used some other sources that he wouldn't name to pry some of the more classified of it. Both Nina and himself were extremely upset when they found out it was their own mother who had killed dear old dad. Jack summarily lost it and found out where his mother was in the city while she was trying to keep up her crime fighting and in his rage he overmatched her power and had her kill the villain she was facing against as well as herself a moment after. There was a large amount of regret over it and it put the spotlight on the twins because of the outburst. Jack and Nina tried to hide and for a while they kept out of sight while Jack used his power to keep them afloat and it would go on like this for a couple years. He had managed to get them a place to stay and a pretty steady amount of money between working and stealing, he had become part of a mercenary company for a short time but was eventually caught managing to get his sister to safety with some quick thinking before getting disabled, caught, and thrown into Miss. Dawson's custody. Dreams/Wishes: Jack wants to have a good life with plenty to go around where he doesn't have to hurt or steal know both him and Nina are safe and happy. Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Walking the Line. Siblings (If Any): Nina Stahl.(Younger twin sister) Pets (If Any): None.