[center][b]Masshiro Kenomo and Haruhi Suzumori[/b] [i]Accidents Happen![/i] A collaboration between Fallen and Neyu The Hidden Cloud - Morning[/center] It wasn't very fun having to do community service, but Haruhi found herself doing so after getting into some trouble, which was entirely explanable. Her behavior had been justified! Or at least that's what she thought. After having seen a group of genin picking on an academy student, she had to do something. To Haru, violence was always a good deterrant for bad behavior. But of course the little shits had to go behind her back and report her, as if they weren't in the wrong too! It was all just a messed up situation. And now, she was stuck cleaning the unused classrooms of the academy. She was surprised how much mud and unknown substances could be found on the floors, and whatever kind of sticky stuff she had to scrape out from under the desks had fallen into her dirty blonde hair more than once. So it was fair to say her day wasn't starting off on a positive note. Despite not wanting to do the cleaning, Haruhi complied with the wishes of the Jonin Commander and did her service without complaining about it. At least, not where anyone could hear her. She thought it was totally unfair how such an act of brave justice was punishable by manual labor. She hefted a bag of garbage onto her shoulder, the thing full of trash that she had picked up from around the entire academy. It would have been amusing to see her carrying it around, a pout on her young looking face. She was heading out the front entrance since the back was closed off due to some students doing an exercise back there. As she used her foot to kick the entrance open, she wouldn't be able to see the silver haired boy who was bound to cross her path any moment. Masshiro had made his way up the stairs quickly, a habit since his academy days and simple enough with the practice over time. He easily recalled how the first time had made him a bit breathless when he was much younger, his body not quite use to the physical stress of being a ninja in training. Now he was slightly depressed to know they were over. Past these doors and into the school, he knew his life would alter when he would be finally assigned to a team or in rare cases, a mentor. This would begin edging him into the world he had been dreaming about since he was a child and a part of him was frightened by it. Some much he couldn't account for in the world outside Kumogakure that his nerves twitched at the thought of his reaction and how dangerous it might be if he lose control of his emotions. The youth took a deep breathe as his hand reached out, the palm touched the door at the same moment it leapt open. It was something he wasn't expecting and the speed caught him, for a moment, off guard. His hand jerked backwards while he flinched, feeling the finger tips stinging when the door edge nicked him. The boy bit his tongue which stopped a yelp in mid-action, and prevented the sound from erupting into the air. Worse part it was his already injuried hand that suffered the brush making the pain twice as bad. His other hand cletched his fingers on impluse and inhaled slowly, his head lowered to keep from looking the girl in the eyes. The individual that had nearly ran into him abruptedly stopped causing him to rise his eyes up a bit higher and briefly look at her. When a boy entered her line of sight, she blinked and stared at him for a second, wondering if he was going to go around. Then she thought perhaps the door had hit him when she kicked it open. She gave an apoligetic smile. [color=#a2a2ff]"Oh sorry! I didn't hit you with the door did I? I wasn't paying attention."[/color] she said to him, adjusting her grip on the bag and stepping aside. After a longer moment of looking, she tilted her head. [color=#a2a2ff]"Ah, I like the color of your hair. It looks so cool. I wish mine was that color."[/color] she told him, cracking a goofy grin. [color=#a2a2ff]"Though I dunno, it probably doesn't look good on most people, but it suits you well."[/color] Pausing she scratched the back of her head with her free hand. She was probably rambling or keeping the guy from something important. [color=#a2a2ff]"Sorry, I'm rambling arent I? See ya!"[/color] she said, giving a small wave and started to slowly decend the stairs. She had to go slowly, considering she was known for her clumsiness. One small slip and she'd be-- [color=#a2a2ff]"Waah!"[/color] was the sudden startled noise that came out of Haru's mouth as she extended her foot too far and missed a step. [color=Mediumaquamarine]"It's alright, no harm done. And you're not rambling at all."[/color] Masshiro quietly started, his tone timid and unsure how to react. Not many people had paid attention to his features or stated they liked them, his head tilted in confusion for a moment. She seemed just as awkward in the conversation as he was, which made him smirk lightly. He continued to rub his fingers until the pain faded a bit and started to move when his eyes caught the girl's foot extend too far. [color=Mediumaquamarine]"Hey, watch it!"[/color] Without thinking, his right foot turned about and he twisted on his left heel while his left hand reached for the trash bag. He was hoping to use it to jerk her backward and stop her movement, but he was going to regret his heroic actions shortly. Instead of jerking her back, she managed to pull him forward! His footing tangled and twisted up, causing his body to crash forward and push the girl off the stairs. They both tumbled down a short way. Trash and them were sprawled across the stone steps, him naturally laying on top with Haru underneath him leaving them both to ache from their landing. Haru let out a groan as she landed on her back, a bit of the wind having been knocked out of her while she fell. Quickly realizing his position, Masshiro's already white face was drained of any possible color. His legs shifting and scrambled over the smooth stone, trying to get himself back upright. Managing, after slipping a few times, to pull himself off Haru at least, he fell upon his ass next to her with a sheepish smile. He struggled not to stammer over his next words in his attempt to save the situation, as hopeless as it was. [color=Mediumaquamarine]" I'm... I'm sorry, really. I didn't, honestly. I really didn't mean to make things worse."[/color] Sitting up, Haru rubbed the back of her head, wincing. [color=#a2a2ff]"Ow..."[/color] She opened one of her eyes and looked at the guy, also feeling the need to apoligize. [color=#a2a2ff]"No worries, you were only trying to help. Sorry you got hurt cause of me."[/color] she said, opening the other eye and looking around them. He paused enough to look about, his eyes panned around and absorbed the mess created. Masshiro bit his lip in realization over his blunder while he returned to check on the older girl's condition.[color=Mediumaquamarine]"Are you alright?"[/color] After taking a look around and seeing the trash spilled everywhere, the grin returned to Haruhi's face, followed by an eruption of laughter. She hugged herself, clutching her sides as she laughed, trying to speak through it. [color=#a2a2ff]"That was a total wipeout! I cant believe I dragged you down with me! I really need to lose some weight or something!"[/color] she said between laughs. After a few moments she calmed down to giggling and stood, extending her hand out towards the boy. [color=#a2a2ff]"I don't know if you believe in it, but I think this had to be fate, us running into eachother. I'm Haruhi. Haruhi Suzumori. Let's be friends!"[/color] Masshiro's color altered from white to slight reddish tone when she started to ramble. He didn't mind it since he rarely talked much himself around strangers and slowly, in his own way, relaxed. His tension flowed from his body and seemed to melt into the ground itself, no longer present in his figure. The boy sighed a bit at the mess but there was nothing left but to clean it up now as he hunched off, his feet positioning themselves underneath him to help push up into a standing position. His other hand reached out to aid Haruhi-san up. [Color=Mediumaquamarine] "I'm Masshiro Negishi-Kemono. Nice to meet you. We made a huge mess and probably get it cleaned up before the teachers realize it happened."[/color] [color=#a2a2ff]"Wow, your name is a mouthful, huh?"[/color] she told him, walking over to pick up the now empty garbage bag. [color=#a2a2ff]"I think I'll call you something like Mashy-kun. Or... Shiroro. I dunno. I'll think of something."[/color] she said absently as she knelt and started to pick up the trash. Thankfully it was mostly things like papers, so she didn't have to worry about getting her hands too dirty. Pausing after a moment, she looked at him. [color=#a2a2ff]"Oh uh... weren't you trying to get somewhere? I don't want you to be late because of me."[/color] she said to him. At spotting her looking up, Masshiro's head jerked upward as he was careful to avoid her eyes. It wasn't hard since he had had years to practice. His mouth frowned at her calling him Shiroro, believing that would've been a bigger mouthful than the name he already had. [Color=Mediumaquamarine]"I think Masshiro would be best, if you want to call me by name. Shiroro seems a bit too long and Mashy-kun seems too familiar on first meeting."[/color] Haru made a face like she was thinking it over, and then nodded after a moment, grinning. [color=#a2a2ff]"Fine by me."[/color] Casually, he hunched over to assist with the clean up, snagging another crumbled paper. It seemed it came from a classroom with rambunctious students. His eyes caught scribbles and a few kanji best never seen on lower classmate's papers. Masshiro shuddered and quickly stuffed it into the bag held by Haruhi-san. [color=Mediumaquamarine] "As for where I was heading, don't worry about it. I'm only being assigned as a Genin. Nothing too big really, though to be honest, I'm nervous."[/color] Haruhi whirled on him, her eyes widening in excitement. [color=#a2a2ff]"What!? Nothing too big!?"[/color] she repeated incredulously. [color=#a2a2ff]"Why being assigned to a team is the biggest, most exciting, most life changing, most important, most cooest thing ever!"[/color] she said quickly and taking a deep breath afterwards. She looked around them again. Masshiro raised an eyebrow then let his lips pulled into a light hearted smirk though it seemed half-assed. He had no troubling down toning his emotions on the outside, but inside he was practically bubbling in excitement as he considered his words. It didn't help he was nervous about it. Would he get along with his team, would they fight more than work together, or would their abilities to cooperate be impossible? So many questions passed through his head that it was only making the thought of meeting them worse and for a brief moment, he considered avoiding the meeting at all. Sadly, he knew Hanawa-chan wouldn't accept that. His head naturally mimic Haruhi-san's when it panned around the scene, his own eyes looking for what she sought only to find nothing. Her next words caused him to whip his head back to her. His body was still bent down, his hand filled with several papers, before shuffling over to put them in the bag. [color=#a2a2ff]"We need to hurry."[/color] It was then that it would seem like something came over her, and she hardly moved so fast ever in her life. She dropped the bag to the ground and started running around, gathering bits of paper and other garbage, carrying them in her arms and dumping large amounts of it in the bag at a time. While she was doing it, she was thinking about how exciting it had been when she had finally joined a squad for the first time. Granted, her sensei and teammates all hated her, for reasons still unknown to her today, but eventually they had gotten along and it ended up great. Masshiro's eyes widened in amazement to see the abrupt change in Haruhi-san. Her body moved about him as though he wasn't bothering to help and easily made his efforts a tad bit useless. His hands reached to snag any bits that tumbled out as he shoved them back in, her arms going for more still left. Haruhi wished she could give Masshiro some advice, but she probably wasn't the best person to do such, considering she was usually deemed 'unfit to work in groups', which was totally preposterous! Haruhi liked people, and her personalty was one that showed it. She never thought that maybe it was the reason why people didn't like her. But of course that meant know she was bored, doing nothing but small things in the village here and there to make some money. It was a waste of her talents completely! She wished she could join a squad again. [color=a2a2ff]"Ahh, Shiroro, I'm so jealous of you."[/color] she mumbled, using the nickname she'd given him accidentally. The boy considered correcting her again, but merely zipped his lip against it. He had a feeling his words would've went in one ear and out the other, an odd trait for a nin indeed. He was shifting the bag up, pushing the papers to fit and settle, before answering. [color=MediumAquamarine]"To be honest, I'm nervous. What if we aren't able to work well together? It would mean any mission might result in a failure, as well as other issues I'm worried about."[/color] Inwardly he recalled his mother mentioning she was worried about him 'passing' out. In the past she explained when he asked, he would become so emotionally stressed that he would often pass out and crumble. The story sounded odd to him but he trusted it was the truth. After all, his mother wouldn't have flat out lie to him and if it was something serious, she would've talked to the Raikage about it. So it would've been unlikely he would be sent out to join a team if he was a danger to them... right? His head tilted back in a bit of doubt lingering in his mind, his free hand scratching his neck. [color=MediumAquamarine]"All these what ifs isn't helping me feel excited to be honest."[/color] Haruhi listened to his worries, remembering that they were also ones she had when she'd first started out. She wondered what kind of words she could give him. Pausing in her cleaning, she said [color=#a2a2ff]"Well, it's only natural to be nervous I suppose, but I think you're worrying about the wrong things. What I mean is..."[/color] she paused again, thinking more about her words. [color=#a2a2ff]"First off, all of you were made genin because you've got something special, you know? Naturally I think you'd worry about getting along, but really that's not what matters. What matters is that you learn to work around others differences, and once that happens, it will be easy to get along with each other."[/color] Reaching up, she scratched the back of her head. [color=#a2a2ff]"I'm not making very much sense am I?"[/color] she asked, laughing a bit at herself. She probably wasn't putting him at ease with what she was saying. [color=#a2a2ff]"Most important thing is to be yourself! Those who have a problem with that don't matter."[/color] she said, giving him a thumbs up. [Color=Mediumaquamarine]" If you mean over emotional and a teenage boy? I'm afraid I outgrew that stage prematurely, though the drama seems to come in all flavors"[/color] Masshiro said as he bit his lip, a habit he did when he was being humorous and wasn't completely seriously trying to be sarcastic. [color=Mediumaquamarine]" As for making sense, to be honest over half what adults say aren't suppose to make sense so I think you're on the right track at least. Though seriously, being myself is likely the worst thing. I don't think my sister would enjoy seeing me making an ass out of myself along side the other boys..."[/color] He shivered at seeing Hanawa-chan's frown pull into his mind, her eyes darkened enough to toss him for a loop when he had actually gotten on her bad side. She reminded him a lot of the wind. Playful and gentle one moment, then a storm that could simply blow you away if she wanted when you crossed a line. Then again, weren't all big sisters like that? Dumping what garbage she had collected into the bag, Haruhi looked around them again, seeing only a few bits and pieces of trash left on the stairs. Dusting off her arms, she'd say [color=#a2a2ff]"I dunno, you don't seem like a terrible person to be. I'd kill to have that hair. All joking aside though, I think you'll be surprised how people who seem different can make the most awesome shinobi. I mean come on, I'm a walking example."[/color] she added the last part, flipping a bit of her hair dramatically. [color=#a2a2ff]"The first few missions your squad will go on will be ones that seem strange, but are a test as to how well the three of you will work together. If your sensei think's it won't work, they'll make the change quick. So you don't have to worry too much."[/color] Masshiro nodded, still appearing uncertain. His hand moved from the bag and watched her finish up, his ears absorbing her words. He chuckled a bit at her statement about his hair. [color=Mediumaquamarine]"Honestly, not sure where the genetics from. I've had white hair and red eyes since I was born, without any evidence of where it comes from on my side of the family. According to Negishi-chan," [/color] His words paused a bit at stating his mother's full, last name as if she was a stranger. He quickly added a clarifying statement, and continued. [Color=MediumAquamarine]"my mother, my parents died during the shinobi wars before I turned 4."[/color] Haru reached down to grab the newly refilled bag, hefting it up over one shoulder and waited until he finished speaking. [color=#a2a2ff]"I think all you need to do is be a little more positive, Shiroro. You'd be surprised how much that will help."[/color] she added, grinning at him. [color=#a2a2ff]"Oh, but if you ever need anything, you can always come find me. I'll probably be here, helping out until the higher ups find something better for me to do. It's a drag, but that's the life I chose I suppose."[/color] Turning from him, she went to grab the last few scraps of trash from the stairs. [color=#a2a2ff]"As much as I'd hate to cut this wonderful talk short, I think we both have places to be, yeah?"[/color] [color=MediumAquamarine] "Yeah, we do. Though I don't feel as jittery as before. Still concerned how this will turn out."[/color] He replied, his mind considering if he was going to fuck up or something worse, as he watched her toss the bag over her shoulder. His head raised to look her in the eyes when he thought he spotted the earlier passed game come to an end and the other students hustle away. When Haruhi's eyes locked with his, it would be undeniable what he was actually feeling inside. Confusion, worry, fear were the dominate emotions, on a level that his body clearly wasn't showing on the surface. For a deep, dark moment Masshiro froze. His body tensed and muscles locked in position while he waited out her reaction. Most times, they never reacted well to meeting his eyes so it wasn't going to surprise him that even this pleasant girl might actually lash out. Haruhi's own bright green eyes held Masshiro's gaze for a long moment. Her first thought was that they were pretty, but then some odd feeling came over her, and it was as if she could read his thoughts with just this little glance. Blinking, Haruhi's lips turned down into a frown, but she didn't say anything, just turned away from him and quickly jogged around to the other side of the building. For a moment, Masshiro just stood there. His fingers his hair a bit in anxiety and kneaded the fistful in his grasp pulled a bit from the scalp, the pain a slight punishment over his carelessness. He tugged a bit, close to ripping it out but careful to stop short. He already hurt himself enough today and he didn't look forward to seeing Hanawa-chan's reaction to his hand. Feeling that it was pointless to merely stand there alone, his body turned back to the school, his nerves more jarred at chasing away a possible new friend and ally, that he almost couldn't bring himself to step though those doors. Knowing he couldn't just tail back to his home like a whimpering puppy, Masshiro causally edged his way into the building feeling the depression closing in on him while being sure to keep his eyes down. Just as Masshiro would enter the building, he'd feel a small hand land on his shoulder. Haruhi was back and right beside him, giving him a grin. [color=#a2a2ff]"You can do this. I've got your back."[/color] she told him, gently pushing him so he could continue walking. [color=#a2a2ff]"I figured you wouldn't mind if I tag along, right?"[/color] she asked, though she planned to stick around regardless of his answer. After she had seen the emotion in his eyes, she'd felt worried that this was perhaps a bit more than a little shy nervousness. When she had thrown the trash away, she decided there would be no harm in waiting outside whatever classroom he'd be meeting his teammates in. She didn't know what else she could do for him, but she wanted to do something. Hopefully him just knowing she'd be there would be enough. The genin immediately stopped pushing opening the door when something touched his shoulder. His head careful not to turn back and look at who was there. He curled his lips into a thankful smile, careful not to say anything that might chase her away for the second time. He appreciated the help, even if she was a stranger he only met this morning. [color=Mediumaquamarine]"I would be grateful for the company, Haruhi-san. It would make this easier a bit."[/color] Her hand fell from his shoulder and she linked her arm with his. [color=#a2a2ff]"Come on then, don't want to be late. I'll drag you if I have to."[/color] she told him playfully. Masshiro nodded as he let her arm wrap around his, some of her playfulness made him think about Hanawa-chan. They were a bit alike and yet distinctively different that made his heart warm inside to be accepted. At first he was considering she would never want anything to do with him as many had decidedly told him, their actions more aggressive, but instead she seemed to have came back. Something he found a bit odd and surprising. He pushed opened the door like a gentleman then lead her in while they headed to the classroom.