Aoba wondered if there were any other types of wings he didn't know about. The only ones he had ever saw were the larger ones used for flying. He was intrigued that they still flapped and twitched like normal wings. They were basically a decoration. Hearing Kyou's question made the fallen angel pause, look down, and rub his wrist where the bracelet had been. "Yeah, the priest took it and threw it away. . .but I think Kuro found it." He remembered seeing just how Kuro created his charms, making him shudder slightly. He could have done without that knowledge. "Yes, I found out when I tried going into the church. It burned me." Aoba hoped the answer would suffice for Kyou, however even if it didn't the lesser demon was sent skittering off- never too far though. "I'm glad you're back in one piece. Not so glad that you have to go causing more damage to yourself after you've healed though." He laughed softly, knowing there was little he could do about that. It was in their demonic nature to fight and play rough. The soft jingle made him glance downwards to spot the aforementioned charm bracelet. Before he can even say anything, Kuro apologizes and relays his excuses to him. For moments, Aoba stared at the bracelet, examining the new charms on them. [I]'It's to keep me safe. . .'[/i] Somehow, he came to terms with the idea and nodded. "Yes, of course." He hugged Kuro and laughed gently when he realized Kuro wasn't going relax his arms and let him escape. So, he leaned against him and relaxed, not seeming to mind the stares from Kyou and Dani, the latter being more annoyed about the odd displays. They stayed in that position for some time. Aoba couldn't help but feel happy that he had came back. Of course, he couldn't help the guilt of not staying with the priest after he worked so hard. His mind wandered over gifts he could possibly give him in hopes to reconcile their...differences. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too angry with him. The thoughts were derailed by the sudden shift in energy. It made Aoba pull away from Kuro rather quickly. The extended week of not being around demons caused the sudden wave of demonic energy, mixed with closer demons' energies to make Aoba's head spin. He grimaced and groaned gently, putting his head in his lap. "What was that for?" He whined softly and waited for everything to stop spinning around him. A cold chill went down his spine. [I]'Why is there a third-'[/i] Aoba sat up quickly only to end up staring at another demon in front of them. Normally, his protectors would have jumped to attack but neither moved. That could only mean they knew this demon. [I]'Another sibling. . ?'[/i] This didn't stop the growing fear in the angel. There was something about this particular demon that made him more uneasy than normal. The gaze alone made Aoba look down at his lap as if he was a scolded child. His wings were pulled tighter to him and he was tense, very much ready to make a mad dash away from him. Unfortunately, Kuro prevented that by holding him still. The silence and staring was unnerving. He wanted to hide. He wanted to go inside. Why wouldn't Kuro let him?! Dani bristled but stayed in one spot. He was smart enough not to do something so stupid as attacking his eldest brother. Kyou tried shrinking and making himself as unnoticeable as possible. Aoba ended up looking at the eldest brother, flinching gently when he realized he was being examined. He felt now if he moved it’d be much too late and he’d be attacked. He wasn’t very statue-esque as much as he was fidgeting in fear. He was tempted to nudge Kuro forward and say something, but he was much too afraid to do that.