[@Kitsune] [color=9e0b0f][h2] Sieg Oda[/h2][/color] It was a normal day of paperwork, he could hear the members outside sparring non-stop to the point metal clashing was a common sound to him. Yet slowly the noise vanished and when it reach the point of hearing birds tweet he looked around and could feel everyone gathered in one spot. Exiting his office he could smell food cooking which made him think his lieutenant was cooking but he wasn't this good at cooking. Once at the scene he stared in dis belief at his squad watching the squad nine captain cooking, some even asked to help. [color=9e0b0f]"H-how did you. Why did no one report this to me?"[/color] Sieg asked but was ignored, so he sighed and cracked his neck as he pushed past his squad members and to Koyoshi and crouched down still standing above her. [color=9e0b0f]"Hey. Any reason you are cooking at my territory and not your o- Is that chicken? Carry on then."[/color] Sieg said as he reached out to sample the food before him.