[I]'Nothing! Nothing in here is of interest! This is a lost cause, I have been here for hours...'[/I] Matthew was glad he didn't require food, water, or sleep. It allowed him to spend hours trying to find one decent point in the book. Sadly he was having no luck. Also sadly, the girl had approached him. And noticed what he was reading. Slowly, he closed the book. Staring blankly. "I was trying to find the material in here that interested people enough to actually have it in this library-" [B]“Anyway, I’m leaving. Bye.”[/B] [I]'That's a great note to leave off on...'[/I] He looked down at the floor, unsure of what to think at that moment. He hesitantly stood up, deciding to go put the book back in it's rightful place. Though, as he approached the shelves near the stairs, he could hear the girl's struggle with the door. He slid the book back into place, before turning and staring down, concerned. [I]'Is the door locked...?'[/I] He questioned to himself, able to hear the growling of her stomach in the silent building. He felt bad about her situation, slowly traveling down the stairs to try and assist how he could; with his knowledge of the walls she stood inside of. He approached slowly, his voice rather soft as he spoke. "It would appear you are stuck in here, yes? With that noise I heard, I assume you're hungry. There's an employee lounge in the back, There ought to be some food somewhere in there. I can't show you any exits, but I can show you to something to eat. Don't worry, I'm sure nobody'll mind." He didn't consider the fact that he hadn't mentioned himself being trapped in the library. Curse of being in here so long, probably.