[center][b]Damon Phobos[/b][/center] Damon stood in the Guildhall with a flustered look having just visited his mother in the hospital. He was not irritated by her being there as the woman had been hospitalized ever since before Damon was ever born. Damon never understood how his mother survived even child birth in her condition but he knew she was strong for being able too. His mother's condition had never changed all the years he was alive and it even caused her to miss certain years which never fazed him. For a good portion of his life, Damon trained under the illustrious Gildarts. It made him far more famous then he wanted to be. This included people staring at him, like they were doing now, and others proclaiming him as the wizard jesus even though it was Natsu who saved the world and not Gildarts. Regardless Damon's mood wasn't the best at the current moment. He had been waiting on Alexandre, Ren, and Blanche for over an hour now. "Where are these chumps? I sent them a telepathic message an hour ago." Damon muttered to himself before stomping the ground below him, causing it to crack a bit but send a familiar rumble throughout the area that only the team would understand who it is.