[color=#008080][b]Makiro Jaigon, Squad 11 Lieutenant Squad 11 Compound: Training Grounds / Kitchen[/b][/color] Makiro’s day had begun earlier than most with him rising at the very calm hours which exist before the sunrises yet one is not in total darkness. He had made a rather simple meal of rice and beef before going off to the Training Grounds in the Compound where he had been for nearly the past two hours. While it nearly seemed as if the Lieutenant had been using his zanpakuto, if one looked closely they would find that his zanpakuto sat far off hand. Instead, the Lieutenant was attempting to train his kido, a skill which he never really trained to a level which would be integral in battle. Even though his position would denote a power greater than most Shinigami in the Gotei Thirteen, Makiro had always relied on his skill in zanjutsu and hakuda when it came down to. Rarely had he ever have to fight with Kido simply because his zanjutsu wasn’t strong enough and even when he did have to fight with Kido it was because of self placed restrictions. [color=#008080]”Hado number thirty-one, Shakkaho!”[/color] Makiro called as the red orb of flames formed from his hand. The dummy at the the end of the field was in for quite a hit as Makiro released the orb towards it. As the small orb collided with the dummy, a wave of air rocketed away and brushed past Makiro. The dummy was now on fire and missing a chunk from its left side. The power of the attack would seem strong but it was far from what Makiro would consider strong enough as not even that was near the level of strength it should be for his position. Then again, he believed that it was weak despite others telling him it was strong enough. Makiro felt that his kido was not strong enough as of yet and he had to change this to lead his men the best way. Makiro would have continued training if it hadn’t been for an entrancing smell coming from the Compound’s kitchen. Makiro wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a quick shower before heading off to the kitchen to see what was going on. The Lieutenant had to practically push his way in as the line blocked his way through the doors. Upon entering, Makiro found Captain Oda by Captain Koyoshi who seemed to be cooking. [color=#008080][i]’Of course it is Koyoshi, it is not like Captain can cook anything without any real help. At least, not anything that smelled this amazing.’[/i][/color] Makiro said to himself as he struggled past the last few of the Squad members crowding around the doorway to get to the pair. [color=#008080]”Hey Captain, what in the world is going on here? Where are you using our kitchen Captain Koyoshi? I swear, you really shouldn’t use our kitchen without telling us.”[/color] Makiro said as he stepped beside her and looked into the pot. It was a risotto with apples and bacon, something which Makiro had never in thought to try and make. [color=#008080]”One of these days you should write down a recipe for some of these meals you make so I can actually make them as well”[/color] said the Lieutenant as he consumed a small spoon full of the complex rice mixture.