[color=aba000][h2] Fuyu Murakmai[/h2][/color] Fuyu was watching two members spar and shook her head. [color=aba000]"No no no, its all wrong."[/color] Fuyu said walking up to the young males and frowned. [color=aba000]"We are suppose to be role model shinigami, yet with each strike I see hesitation. If you are too hesitant to hurt another or are in capable of dodging then get out now."[/color] Fuyu spoke and instantly the two men nodded and began to strike each other must faster than they had been, to which she nodded. [color=aba000]"Better! Now keep it up!"[/color] Fuyu said as she watched for another minute before leaving the two and walking to old bones office to which upon opening the door she shouted in anger at her not being there. [color=aba000]"How on earth is she squad ones captain?! She is far from a fucking role model! Then most of the time I end up doing the paper work! I will end herrrr!!!"[/color] Fuyu shouted and her verbals threats towards her grandma was such a common occurence that members passing by the office just told her to play nicely. Seething she walked over to the desk and would smash the chair breaking it before looking at the paper work, that she was suppose to do but just left. [color=aba000]"Old fucking hag, is probably off visiting the adopted shits."[/color] Fuyu mentioned as she sat right on the desk and began over looking the paperwork.