That bolt struck his chest like the kick of a mule, and through some grace of god his feet hadn't quite touched the ground as it slammed into him. Turning him into a living projectile was much preferable to being grounded while struck by lightning. With the force packed into the spell, it sent him careening off and to the left of his leap a good half dozen yards. Screaming in a combination of embarrassment, anger, and pain all in unison. Which is not a good way to feel, I'll tell you that much. Like being tased with a handheld taser while also holding onto an electric fence, it caused his body to seize up and forced him to scream. Every muscle from his head to his toes contracted inwards and curled him up like a dead spider. The sound of leather being squeezed might have been heard, were it not for the other sounds of lightning and pain. It shot through him in less than a second and dissipated out of his body just as quickly as it had struck, leaving him in piercing agony but with nothing more than second degree superficial burns running across his midriff. Which was none to pleasant to say the least. Within a few seconds of being struck by lightning, Shin slapped to the ground and got a mask full of sand. (Not literally, he just landed facedown in the sand.) If he weren't in a life or death situation he would have just laid there in his shame and wallowed in the sand for a little while. That is, however, not the case. Shakily he forced his body to unclench and stretch again, pressing his knees and palms to the sand and shoving himself back to his feet. Nearly toppling backwards after righting himself. With both of his arms just hanging limply at his side he looked indignantly towards the water. Hollering his frustrations to the disrupted and shaky water. [color=a187be]"I'd say you're just as much an asshole as LeeRoy, if you try that again."[/color]