[hr] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/562115731131596800/wpRzbWy7.jpeg[/img][/center] [hr] [b]9:00 AM, March 20th, 2015 Location undisclosed Deep in an underground bunker, Padded Cell[/b] [color=yellow][i]Hey! Hey, get up! There's someone here to see us, and it's not Johnson spitting on the bulletproof glass[/i][/color] [color=red][i]"Wait, Johnson's late?! Aww, I really thought I had something going with him. A few more loogies and curse words and I was gonna ask him to go steady!"[/i][/color] [color=yellow][i]That's cute. What were we gonna make our prom dress out of? Bedsheets and some extra cell padding?"[/i][/color] [color=red][i]...N-no?[/i] [/color] [color=yellow][i]We know there's no ACTUAL prom in the Top Secret ARGUS super-prison, right?[/i][/color] [color=red]"BUT I WANTED TO BE THE PROM QUEEN AND THE THEME WAS GOING TO BE ARKHAM ASYLUM!"[/color] "Ha! At least then you'd be where you really belong. Now get up Wilson, you have marching orders." One of these days, Wade would actually learn not to scream portions of his inner dialogues out loud. Maybe. As the massive sheet of hardened glass that separated him from the rest of the facility slid away, Deadpool fell in line in front of his latest escort more out of a desire to escape boredom than anything else. At first he thought it was strange that his only supervision would be one man considering when they initially locked him up he'd been brought in surrounded by multiple squads with tasers and full combat armor. Well, he was confused until he remembered just who that one man was. [color=red]"Hey! I know you! You're Little Ricky Flagg! From that one time with SHIELD in Morocco. I saw you take down ten guys with your bare hands! Impressive as hell! I heard rumors your Dad used to run the Task Force back in the 70s during the last HYDRA thing! How ya been, guy?"[/color] Captain Rick Flag Jr. one of the most decorated and deadly agents of ARGUS, visibly winced at the nickname and looked more than embarrassed not to mention shocked that one of his prisoners was being so friendly. "I'm...good? and...It was more like eight guys, honestly. And...that means a lot, coming from the guy who broke through the barricades alone with nothing but a food truck. Got us out of a tight spot." [color=red]" '[b]WHO WANTS SHWARMA!?[/b]' heh, man those were the days."[/color] The two of them walked in silence after that, and though they might have shared a moment and a past, the captain never took his eyes off of his prisoner or kept his hand far from his gun. Finally as they stepped into a lift that secured behind them, Rick Flagg spoke up again. "So what the hell happened, Wilson? You were one of the best of us, you did the impossible and made it look fun and easy, pulled more ops and asses out of the fire in three years than most Agents manage in a whole career. You were a hero. So what gives? The cancer's on record sure but here you are six years later still alive, but on the wrong side...I don't get it." [color=yellow][i]Maybe he's right...We could've gone back to SHIELD, worked something out, something better...[/i][/color] [color=red][i]Shut up.[/i][/color] [color=red]"No. You don't get it. And I'm not on the [i]wrong[/i] side. The only side I'm on is mine."[/color] [color=yellow][i]It's not too late...We can still do the right thing.[/i][/color] [color=red][i][b]shut. up.[/b][/i][/color] "Heh, if that were true why'd you take Waller's deal, volunteer to fight HYDRA? Whatever enemy she was going to hand you over to can't have been that bad, and I know you can't actually die. Why not just ride it out, escape, keep living just for yourself? Your files say you've done it before. I think maybe you wanted to make a difference, I think maybe-" [color=yellow][i]We can be a hero again![/i][/color] "you wanna be a hero again." [color=red][b]"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!"[/b][/color] [h3][b]*DING!*[/b][/h3] As the elevator doors slid open, Deadpool walked on alone down a narrow hallway with only one door at its' end. Rick Flagg stood behind, not quite stunned enough by the outburst to forget to train his weapon on the mercenary's back, but made cautious enough by it to give him some space. It wasn't as if there was any other place to go now. The only door led to Amanda Waller's office. It was definitely not what Deadpool was expecting when he pictured The Wall's office. There was a big mahogany desk, a plushy looking couch off to one side, a roaring fireplace in the background that was obviously holographic but seemed to give off a feeling of warmth anyways and books! Shelves of books in this day and age! It felt...bizarre. Bizarre and cozy. The very contrast to the bleak utility of the rest of prison made the room uncomfortable, and paradoxically Wade found himself longing for the spartan utility of his cell. Hell, Amanda Waller herself was seated in what looked like an upholstered freakin' armchair behind that fancy desk! Without waiting to be prompted Deadpool sat down, fidgeting a little and feeling like a kid from some 1950s sitcom called into his Dad's study for the inevitable belting after the lecture that never got shown on TV. [color=royalblue]"Wilson. It's good to see that you didn't try to start a gunfight in the hallway on the way here."[/color] [color=red]"I can play nice if I feel like it, I'm not all deposing third world regimes and robbing taco trucks for kicks, y'know."[/color] [color=royalblue]"That's actually what I brought you in here to talk about. You were a dedicated soldier once Wilson, and a brilliant operative. Myself, Dugan and even your brother thought you had it in you to be one of the all-time greats in this business before your cancer and those atrocities at CADMUS. But I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you burned all of your bridges with your behavior over the past six years and the U.S. government would like to bury you in a twenty-foot-deep hole ground up inside an adamantium matchbox then cover the whole thing in cement and leave you there until hell froze over. Or just hand you to the Chinese and see how inventive they can get..."[/color] [color=yellow][i]Well, here it comes. We've enjoyed having a body while it lasted right?[/i][/color] [color=red][i]You mean I'm gonna have to spend half of eternity inside a tiny box with no one but [b]you[/b] for company?[/i][/color] [color=royalblue]"But the U.S. government doesn't get to make that choice. I do. And I think that you can still be of use to your country. I've read the reports, but unlike the idiots at the Capitol [b]I[/b] know how to read between the lines. You fell out with the Foot at the same time that they started recruiting from teenage street gangs in Japan and abroad. In the infamous Zesti Soda incidents every target you killed was involved in the sort of war crimes that makes Genghis Khan look like a creampuff, and there were no children listed as casualties in that hospital fire you caused, impressive considering it specialized in pediatrics. Your preferred form of payment was one that cost Zesti more money to uphold than any lump sum of cash and you wiped out the worst scum they employed when you didn't get it. And that orphan fighting ring..."[/color] [color=red][i]Here we go.[/i][/color] [color=yellow][i]Here we go.[/i][/color] [color=royalblue]"Well, some might decry your methods as barbaric, even monstrous. But any bastards who force homeless kids to fight for their amusement deserve every bit of torture you gave them. My point is Wilson, I think you have potential and that you're better than you pretend to be, better than your file makes you seem. So...[/color] Waller reached under her desk and pulled out a pair of Japanese swords. Deadpool recognized them instantly of course considering he'd been wearing them when ARGUS took him in. His hands twitched toward them involuntarily. [color=blue]"...I have a proposition for you."[/color] This was it! The cozy, comfortable setting, all of the compliments, returning his swords... Deadpool knew there was only one thing all this could possibly mean. [color=red][b]"MRS.ROBINSON, YOU'RE TRYING TO SEDUCE ME!"[/b] [/color] [color=yellow][i][b]*Facepalm*[/b][/i][/color] [color=royalblue][b]"what?!"[/b][/color] [color=red]"...Well aren't you?"[/color] [color=royalblue]"I...wh...no, I am [b]not[/b] trying to seduce you! I'm formally offering you a place on Task Force X!"[/color] [color=yellow][i]How are we even the same person-[/i][/color] [color=red]"Oh. Well in [b]that[/b] case my answer's no now. After all the crap the spy business put me through you guys should be giving me a medal and a retirement package, not a microchip in my head. Give me one good reason I should join the Squad"[/color] [color=aqua]"I c'n think of one."[/color] That voice...[i]changed things.[/i] [color=red][i]Of all the offices in all the prisons in all the world, she had to walk into this one. Vanessa Carlysle. She had smile that said 'heavenly', a walk that whispered 'damnation' and legs up to...well, wherever you wanted her legs to be up to. It was one of perks of being one of the world's greatest shapeshifters, but the dame had my heart in her fist in any shape she pleased and she damn well knew it. It had been years since we met in Boston that rainy night, back when I was still on the wagon and still on the force. She'd been forced into working for a global thieving ring with ties to terrorists, just like a sexy, sexy Oliver Twist. I was supposed to be her SHIELD liason in witness protection, but in the end we both did a whole lot more than just liase. The two of us were just kids, young, stupid and in love. I wanted to get her out of this crazy game called life, settle down, raise some awesome shapeshifting kids. But then the cancer hit me like a ton of bricks on a freight train driven by a bull. It took my heart, my lungs, my prostate and even my girl. She didn't need a dying man and she knew it, I was no good for her so I did the only thing I could. I walked out: Out of her apartment, out of her life and out of her heart, and sucker that I am for a pretty face, I promised I'd never look back. But now here's that same pretty face staring into mine, and my immortal heart skips a beat, the Merc With a Mouth struck silent...[/i][/color] Only then did Wade realize he'd once again been speaking his entire monologue. [color=aqua]"I missed you too, Wade. Life...hasn't been easy for either of us, since you left."[/color] Realizing that she really was there and what it must mean, Deadpool turned on Amanda Waller and was inches away from snatching his swords from her and gutting her then and there. For her part, Waller seemed completely undisturbed. [color=red]"YOU BITCH, KEEP THE VANESSA THE HELL OUT OF THIS OR I'LL-"[/color] Then Vanessa's hand was on his shoulder, pressing him back into the chair. ...How long had it been since someone had touched him without trying to hurt him? [color=aqua]"Wade, 's'alright. I'm here because I wanna to be. I've done a lot of bad since you knew me and I honestly wanna pay my debt to society. You understand, right? You'll help me do that?"[/color] The rage drained from Deadpool's body and left him confused and empty for a moment. So, Waller wanted to play dirty, pull his first love into things and she was just [i]going along with it?[/i] Well, he'd work with her then, at least until he could figure out what mind control was being used on Vanessa and get her free of it. Then they would see just how dirty [i]he[/i] could play. [color=red]"...Sure babe, sure."[/color] Waller looked decidedly smug. [color=royalblue]"Well, now that that's settled let's introduce you to the [b]rest[/b] of the team."[/color] [hr] Deadpool walked with Waller on one side Vanessa on the other and Flagg in the back ready to put the shocks to him if he tried anything, especially now that he was armed. The trip down to the Task Force X 'Cafeteria' was Deadpool's first since he'd been arrested by ARGUS. It was basically supposed to be like a school lunchroom, but full of sociopaths, bullies and outcast freaks forced to be on their best behavior. So exactly like a school lunchroom. [color=red]"HEY GUYS, GUESS WHAT? NOW IT'S A 'POOL PARTY!"[/color] Deadpool would've followed up his entrance with even more purposefully annoying quips, but there was suddenly a fork and a knife in his left and right eyes respectively. [color=orange]"[b]WILSON YOU SCUMBAG! I TOLD YOU IF I EVER SAW YOU AGAIN I WAS GOING TO USE YOU FOR TARGET PRACTICE!"[/b][/color] [color=yellow]"Oh hey! Deadshot's here!"[/color] A second later a hand like a vise seized his skull and pinned him to the wall "Naw, lemme do it! I wan' squish the bo's head like a grape for what he did in Qurac!" [color=yellow]"Qurac...and that dumb accent...so that'd be Warhawk..."[/color] "With the level of pressure you can exert it should only take about two seconds. Four for his head to re-form so I can cut it off..." [color=yellow] "And Clock King makes three! We might actually die this time!"[/color] [color=red]"Well, at least now we know why they call it the Suicide Squad!"[/color]