[center][h3][color=black]Marcus “[/color]Limbo[color=black]” Clementine[/color][/h3][/center] The early morning sunrise pierced through cracks in the ceiling of the guild hall, shining a warm light upon the face of a slumbering Marcus. The light caused him discomfort as he was trying to sleep. He was not a morning person. He stirred a little at the bar, groaning as he shifted his face away from the light to continue snoozing. Normally he'd prefer to spend his mornings in a warm, soft bed. Unfortunately for him, he was out of money and couldn't pay for another night in his hotel room. So the guild hall was his temporary home. The thought of an official member telling him he wasn't allowed to stay didn't bother him, since he intended to earn some money today to help pay for an apartment. Yet at this moment, none of that was of pressing importance. Even in his sleep he could hear the chatter about who would be taking what jobs. All logic told him that he should get up and make sure he gets a high paying job before they are all gone. His only thought on the matter was how much he really didn't want to wake up. He used his sketchbook as a pillow, opened up to a drawing of the guild hall he'd spent last night working on. [center][h3][color=Coral]Alice Vetrov[/color][/h3][/center] One of the perks of being a busy person was that you became quite accustomed to the idea of not wasting a single waking moment of the day. From the moment she had woken, Alice had began working. She spoke to her comrades across the country that were running her academy for her through thought projection, all whilst enjoying breakfast and dressing herself and James for the day. While she and her son walked through market stalls, purchasing ingredients for lunch to be made at the Guild Hall, Alice was browsing over order forms for supplies she'd needed to be shipped in. Even as she sat in the Guild Hall, sharing a cup of warm milk with James, she was filling out forms and going over her files for reference all whilst a thought projection of an elderly man stood behind her; reading from his own set of files. "Everything is prepared for this years graduation ceremony, Provost Alice." He flipped through the pages, signing each sheet with such ease that paperwork must have been a hobby of his. "I trust you will be sending a Thought Projection over for the ceremony?" Alice helped James take a sip from the glass, worrying that it may be too hot for his hands. She smiled at her comrade's projection and spoke with an unusual amount of energy for the early morning. "[color=Coral]Don't be silly, Professor. I will be attending the event in person. It would be insulting to send a mere copy of myself. This is a new wave of fully trained Healers being sent out into the world, after all. I want them to see just how important their mission is, and what better way to do so than be there to congratulate them in person?[/color]" The man nodded in approval, a smile of delight plastered across his face. "I couldn't agree more, Madame. The other members of faculty will be delighted to hear of your return after so long. I shall make the necessary preparations at once." With those final, eager words, the Thought Projection dissipated and left Alice alone with James at a table filled with paperwork. James sat there, happily stamping away at the papers while he enjoyed his milk. Alice always made it a point to involve him in what she did, and even though he couldn't read what was written down on the papers; he very much enjoyed stamping them for his mother. Alice stood up from the table, patting James on the head. "[color=Coral]Your stamping is so neat this morning, sweetie. You're my favorite little helper.[/color]" The young boy beamed up at his mother, his mop of blond hair messily covering his azure eyes. With one final sip, James finished his milk and stood. "I'll give it back to the lady!" He ran off through the guild hall, the mug firmly grasped by both of his hands. Alice turned to face the entrance where Isshum had just shown up. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Alice buttoned up her white lab coat fully, moving her glasses from her forehead to cover her eyes. Her short hair was tied up into a neat little bun. The woman practically glowed of professionalism, and whilst one might have found her attire excessive for the guild hall, this was how she preferred to work. She walked over to the young Dragon Slayer and cheerfully spoke, commenting on his expression. "[color=Coral]Awaiting your friends are you?[/color]" Alice could see that he'd been training in the early morning, which was quite impressive to her. To be so resolved at such a young age reminded her of her late brother. "[color=coral]In truth, I've actually been waiting for you three as well. Is our arrangement still in place?[/color]" Alice was referring to seeking their assistance with setting up her office. It wasn't exactly an exciting job, but she was willing to pay for their help. Young James skipped happily back towards his mother, having returned the mug to the bartender. "Mommy! I gave it back!" James came to a halt upon seeing Isshum, nervously burying his face into the side of Alice's leg. "Uh..." Alice affectionately patted her son on the back, slightly pushing him forward to greet Isshum. "[color=Coral]Don't be rude James. Say good morning.[/color]" The young boy stared at his feet, not very much enjoying the company of strangers around his mother. "Good morning," he said reluctantly, frowning at his feet in displeasure. It was quite amusing to see him so defensive. [@Renny]