[@IceHeart] Alright, that's fine. He'll probably come across them on his own at some point, anyway. Maybe he insists to the people funding it that he goes on the expedition with them, or whatever. Regarding Baal, I suppose the players need some reference for a demonic appearance, and most aren't as vaguely friendly as the very few we see in Dragonball. Then again, we see Frieza- oh wait, hold on... [quote=@Archmage MC] BTW, its FREEZA, not FREIZA/FRIEZA, DBZ abridged points this translation error out. xD[/quote] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyJ3rqBezP8]Who cares?! GAWWOAHHWD[/url] Anyways, we see Frieza bleeding everywhere after what should have been two separate instances of a fatal wound in the uncut versions of DBZ, amongst various other presumably gruesome deaths. So maybe, like... pretend it's all drawn in the style of the anime? Blood is hardly the most impossibly gruesome thing in an art style like DBZ's, even when vomited from a bull demon's facehole.