[img]http://www.soulask.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ZeusA.jpg?e67871[/img] [Center][u][b]Age of Mythology[/b][/u][/center] [Centre][i]My soul is wrought to sing of forms transformed to bodies new and strange! Immortal Gods inspire my heart, for ye have changed yourselves and all things you have changed! Oh lead my song in smooth and measured strains, from olden days when earth began to this completed time![/i][/centre] [Center][I]"In the Age of Antiquity, when Greece was the light of civilisation and Rome was nought but a village in the Italian peninsula, all else was a dark place full of mystery and wonder. The surrounding lands were full of barbarians and blood-thirsty enemies, or so it was said. Yet in this time, above all others, the gods directed the fates of their people and demi-gods walked the earth. Legends such as Herakles and Theseus, and before them those of the ilk of Akhilles, Odysseus and Pelops. Now is the time when great legends are forged and mythology written by those who were there or the most imaginative of writers afterwards, it is a place where magic is not entirely extinguished and where a mere mortal may change the fate of the world if the gods do will it."[/I][/center] [b][u]Genre:[/u][/b] The quasi-historical, yet strangely fantastical, world of Archaic Europa and the Orient; think Homer - and thus the Iliad/Odessey - or think Xena: Warrior Princess, or the classic Jason and the Argonauts film (still good!) And you should get an idea of what I'll be going for with this. [b][u]The Setting:[/u][/b] This RP is set in the ancient past of our own world, shrouded in mystery by the fog of time and yet set in stone by the beliefs of our forefather. Here is a world of which Greece, not yet a nation but more a collection of city-states ([i]poleis[/i]), is the very centre and from it comes most of the information of the 'known world' at the time. It is a time filled with the fantastical - the centaur and the Hydra, the Gorgons and Pergasus - of exotic lands like the island of Circe, or the oriental powers of the East, seen by the Greeks as effeminate and decadent. It is RP set in the wild lands of fantastical Ancient Greece and the known world surrounding it.Here be monsters of legend, both of the human type and the more mythological type, but here also are great legends ready to be made through the rush of combat and the skill of their diplomacy. I shall begin, if it is alright with all those interested, by gathering together a crew for a vessel- in classical Argonauts style -before setting off on our adventure(s). There shall be no demi-gods here, so don't even think of it, but mortal men possessed of keen intellect, keener blades, and maybe a unique skill or two. Think Odessey rather than Iliad, Argonauts rather than Twelve Labours... This is [b]not[/b] to say that there won't be challenges of that ilk found within, indeed I intend to shove a Hydra or a few Centaurs in here-and-there, it simply means that no-one (yet...) would be able to massacre them without help and a good deal of planning. Esssntially we are dealing with the [url=http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/heroic.html]Greek Heroic Age[/url], probably post-Troy but pre-Argonauts? This can helped be decided by you, the player. [hr] [b][u]Things of Note - Please Read[/u][/b] [list] [*]This setting is during the fuzzy grey area between the Archaic period and the Classical Greek period, a time of gods coming to Earth to help or hinder mortals, and of great demi-gods like Herakles and Perseus. There will be no specific date given though. [*]The Gods are an important part of this RP and, while no-one shall be able to RP as one, any player would be wise to keep them appeased and on their side. Those who lose the favour of, or displease, the gods should probably take cover. [*]You do not need to be a historian to RP here, and I'll be around to assist anyone that might have any questions or problems. [*]Be inventive! Your character can come from almost anywhere in the ancient world, as long as they have a reason, and will most probably possess a set of skills that make them stand out from the common day men or women. [*]The group will travel by sea, mount or walking, so you may want to see this as a good time for character interaction and development. [*]There will be no [i]true[/i] magic; what I meant by this is that 'magic' will be very much to do with ritual, worthy sacrifice, and whether the gods are listening to your plea. There'll be no wizards shooting fireballs or anything like that. [*]Writing requirements would be somewhere around 'low advanced - high casual'; I don't expect novels from anyone, and will readily allow a few mistakes here and there, but you need to be able to string a paragraph together. [/list] If you are interested at all, then please make your voice heard!