[h2]Angela[/h2] [color=ed1c24]"It appears the problem is a little intrusive person being loud. I've got a plan, and it'll help find out more about our bond."[/color] stated Elizabeth without any observable hesitation. I looked at her. "What is it?" [color=ed1c24]"First, you start walking towards them, then begin speaking." [i]I'll dictate you the words, just repeat them while I relocate to a better position. Now go.[/i][/color] There wasn't time for me to consider opposing as Elizabeth dropped to all fours and moved away in a rather inhuman way. Or rather - there actually was time, but it took me a moment to realize that the last sentence she spoke she didn't speak and it took a mere moment to be realized. But then it was time for me to begin taking steps towards the apparent elf holding up the rest of what I consider my allies. [color=f7976a]"A ship?"[/color] I repeated as the words appeared in my mind. [color=f7976a]"It's an affront that you'd consider we'd use means of travel you could observe. Magicians, remember? And I hear you've got pirate troubles - we might've considered helping you out, but there you are, standing against the ten of us, thinking yourself capable of achieving anything - at which point, I'm sure you could drive said pirates out single-handedly. Why don't you go and do that?"[/color] I rattled out as I approached the elf. I wasn't sure where'd Elizabeth go - possibly to a side.