The crimson haired lady, adjusted her coin lined emerald hued hood so that those below could better see her. It was a simple gesture that implied openness and honesty. Nobody ever trusted someone that hid her face inside a hood all the time. She was pale of complexion which caused the henna lines on her face and leather headband with its semiprecious stones to stand out in stark contrast. Oh wonderful, Syeira thought to herself, a paladin. Worse still, the woman had a surname which likely meant noble lineage; That or pretentious nature. Still, there were none better to protect thieves, scalawags and confidence women. The greatest ally of villainy they were as you had to actually perform an act of ill nature before them before they swept into action. As a result, though she was not overly fond of their prattling about gods and duty, she had to admit she did feel a bit safer given the hellish landscape that surrounded them. "Syeira-," she replied, breath misting before her ruby painted lips. She would have offered her hand save for the fact she was leaning down from atop the wooden walled wagon. "-and you are quite correct. The mists were subtle but even a fool could not miss the sudden shift from the month of Kythorn to Alturiak in the span of moments" Syeira adjusted the blanket she had wrapped around her body which was beginning to fall and tucked it back into place. "You speek sooth noble knight," she then added, "I shall join you, if you would have me, upon this short dallying trip."