[center] [h3] Koyoshi Murakami[/h3] { Squad 11 Quarters - Kitchen }[/center] Koyoshi could only smile when she heard Captain Sieg come into the kitchen, she knew how this old song and dance went time and again so in preparation she had prepared a unique chicken version of her dish just for him, which seemed to silence his protest.[color=fdc68a][b] "I will carry on, thank you Sieg." [/b][/color]Her words were kind, but her spoon was fierce as she spun it between her fingers to give the guy a fast rap on the knuckles as he tried to snack on the unfinished dish before it had been cooked to perfection. [color=fdc68a][b]"That dose mean you have to wait though." [/b][/color] Next it was the turn of the Lieutenant of squad 11 to show up, it seems her cooking really did draw people in, as expected of course~ Gesturing to all the waiting mouths of his own sqaud mates, including the captains Koyoshi could not help but smile [color=fdc68a][b]"It seems everyone here doesn't have any objections to me using your kitchen?" [/b][/color]Looking down to the food as it neared completion she shook her head a little at the Lieutenant's suggestion of a recipe. [color=fdc68a][b]"Cooking, much like fighting, comes from the heart. I did not know what to cook until I discovered what you had remaining here. Ora, ora~ But feel free to copy if you wish, it would be a nice compliment."[/b][/color] Pulling out a diced apple she placed the chunks into the rice risotto, the flavor of apples coming from the apple juice she had used become, leaving the crunchiness of the chunks to complement the fluffy rice! As she dished up the risotto she pulled the bacon and chicken from its honied broth and placed it accordingly. A dish using the simplest of ingredients while regaining a fast cooking speed, a meal fit for a royal army that was for sure. Pulling off her bandana she peered back to the others. [color=fdc68a][b]"Well? Feel free to enjoy." [/b][/color]