[quote=@BCTheEntity] [@Halvtand] Uhhh... do... Namekians actually, like... [i]have[/i] life partners...? I mean, if you want to fluff them like that, go ahead, but, uh... I was always just under the impression that they were kind of asexual and/or aromantic. And also only had the one gender, making "male-type Namekian" seem like tautology. Really, I'm just thinking that their whole reproduction method and biology precludes stuff like, uh... like romance. Is all I'm saying. I will also say that Namekian fusion seems to result in an absurd power increase, given the two examples we see of it in the anime, which suggests to me that both Harkon and Limac had absurdly low power levels for their race prior to fusion. Other than that, I wouldn't necessarily suggest that anything is wrong with the character sheet, though miniature Destructo Discs as level 2 techniques seems potentially excessively powerful if they can be produced practically at will, and Healing is absolutely a Mystic technique, so that's something that might want changing. Oh, and [@Thess]? I just noticed that you've finished your sheet for the Makaioshin of Pride. It's good. Good job. [/quote] Thank you [@BCTheEntity]. Some quick answers, Namekians are officially hermaphroditic but their physiques look mostly male, according to an interview with Toriyama. I still think the mini destructo discs are kind of op, but as I understand it, they are most useful like the original as an ambush technique. The Fusion technique is supposed to give off quite the boost, if I were to write down a specific formula for the boost it would likely be the PLs added together and multiplied by 10. I have no real issue with Harkon's PL being raised to show this.