Full name: Galvrik Home planet: Ursid Age: 27 Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f5/88/41/f58841003c3c68289bcfc5e2f765bb4e.jpg[/img] Abilities: All Ursidians have the strength to lift ten tons, but the Ursidians of the polar regions have evolved to survive extreme cold and can fire a beam of ice to freeze enemies. Firing the beam can drain their stamina and if used too carelessly it can cause them fatigue. Skills: excellent fighter, great knowledge of combat, very perceptive and has good insight. Superb survivor. Bio: The planet Ursid is a very wild and dangerous planet, full of deadly flora and fauna. Ursidians evolved into an intelligent species and learned the ways of using tools and crafting weapons. With the power of deadly weapons and brutal warrior culture, they mastered the wilderness of their planet and made an empire. It wasn't until after millennia that the Ursidian Empire discovered the way to make interstellar travel possible. With their new ships they began to traverse the stars and encountered news life and new threats. Eventually after so many wars and conflicts the Ursidians joined the intergalactic Peace Troopers in the hopes that it would help them quell some the horrible wars that they had fought in. Galvrik was born during this time of alliance and even after so many thousands of years, the warrior culture of the Ursidians thrived and he learned the arts of combat and war. The Ursidian government was authoritarian and the young were taught from a very early age to fight for a higher cause and that controlling ones own instinct was the key that made their race rise above the savage life on their world. Galvrik was the son of a respected Law Officer named Jixon and was the descended of the legendary Ursidian hero Talankor who had led an army against the invading forces of an evil alien power. For as long as he could remember Galvrik wanted to be a great warrior and trained almost day and night improve his fighting skills. Being a white Ursidian of the far north, Galvrik developed the ability to fire off beams of ice from his hands and felt his physical strength grow with every passing year. His training to become a warrior pushed himself to his limits and he felt like his dreams of becoming warrior were close. Eventually his dream came true and Galvrik was elevated to the rank of warrior. It wasn't far into his new life a warrior when the Intergalactic Peace Troops decided to have him join the organization since Ursidians were so skilled in the arts of warfare and combat. He at first didn't want to leave, but the government told him that becoming of the IPT was a great honor and that it would do a great service to their empire. So now with his axe in hand, Galvrik set out to bring law and order to the universe around him. Notes: He has a very crude sense of humor. He also wields a [url=http://www.cutlerycorner.net/images/products/z_l-3051.jpg]battle axe[/url] that he calls Jorix.