Kuro can feel Aoba trembling and fidgeting and his inside begin writhing even harder than before. He knows that Issho will not act hastily, that's not how the eldest is, but he is however decisive and protective of his siblings, and if Aoba seems to be too likely to be dangerous for his little siblings. . . Those intense golden eyes continue to rove over the angel, clearly waiting for someone to speak up, however as he's far to focused on keeping Aoba from fleeing it's Dani who breaks the silence. Shifting a little he looks up at his brother cutely. “Hello Issho. What brings you to this neck on the woods?” The golden eyes shift over to him and the little red head shrinks a little. It's clear from the look on Issho's face that he's thinking deeply about his response. Other than with his father, Issho doesn't really reply to anyone in less than half a minute after going over all possible responses and picking the right one for the situation. It's this deep thought and patience that makes Issho stand out among his siblings, haste being a defining feature in all of Satan's spawn. When at last he feels like answering, the answer is short and precise. Looking back to the little angel he murmurs, “Pops is worried.” His tone seems neutral, but what it lacks in emotion, it more than makes up for with power. It is clear Issho is not at the point of backing down. Nowhere near. ~*~*~*~*~ As much as Aoba didn’t want to think about it, ‘Pops’ had to have been none other than Satan himself. Of course he’d be worried about why he hasn’t seen two of his sons in so long. Then again, was that why their ‘pops’ was worried? As if Dani had heard him, he responded still in that cute manner. “Worried about what? We’re all fine.” Aoba couldn’t keep eye contact with Issho, so he stared at his shoes. His voice wasn’t very calming, but it wasn’t threatening to terrify him even more. The name sounded familiar. Maybe Kuro and Dani had mentioned him before at one point, but he couldn’t figure it out. It was best to stay quiet anyway. ~*~*~*~*~ Issho's eyes narrow ever so slightly, and after his usual pause he murmurs, “We. . . .” It's clear that he finds Dani's inclusive word a bit disturbing, curious as to if it includes this angel before him. It's also clear, to Issho, that Kuro has more than a passing interest in the creature in his arms as he keeps his eyes locked on his older brother, the respect he's grown used to come the male tinged with strength and defiance. He would almost say that Kuro is pleading with him, but before he makes that judgment, he feels the need to test Kuro's resolve. Raising a hand slowly he points at Aoba, making sure to catch his eye before making a “come hither” gesture with his fingers. In any other situation, the gesture would appear suggestive, but here it simply feels irresistible for different reasons. His eyes narrow ever so slightly as Kuro tenses but after a moment the youngest son leans in and whispers softly in the angel's ear. “Aoba, this is my eldest sibling, Issho. He is Pops' right hand.” His arms wrap around the smaller being, crossing his chest and pulling him in tight as he speaks. “It's best to just do what he wants. Please, stay calm and speak to him the way you speak to me if he bids you speak. He's rational and not hasty so. . .Yeah. . .” Issho watches at Kuro relaxes his grip, his gaze sharpening and his little brother's hand comes up to press between the angel's wings for a moment as if you encourage him to move forward. He knows the demon's sensitivity there is a carry over from the angels and the sight has him more curious than ever. ~*~*~*~*~ It fell silent again and suddenly, Issho was gesturing him forward. [i]’No, no, no, no, no. I don’t want to go over there!’[/i] Feeling Kuro pull him closer made his movements calm, however he was still tense as ever. Kuro’s declaration helped none with that. If he hadn’t been pressed against Kuro, he would have given him a look of utter shock and refusal. [i]’Stay calm he says, do what he wants he says. That’s easier said than done!’[/i] Of course, none of this was ever spoken aloud. Aoba was still as silent as the mouse Kuro claimed him to be. Aoba was released and he instinctively scooted the opposite way of Issho, however Kuro’s hand stopped him. Aoba gave him a brief glance before slowly standing up. He stood there unmoving, holding his arm as if it were injured. The fallen angel was trying not to replace his trembling fear with frozen terror. The idea of Issho getting upset that he was moving so slow definitely urged his legs to move. One step at a time, he inched closer to Issho. His wings were close behind him and his gaze rested on the demon’s feet. He was tempted to go back, maybe even use this opportunity to flee, but he figured any of the demons could catch him faster than he could even turn to escape. Being trapped there, Aoba kept the little resolve he did have and stayed perfectly still when he finally stopped at a relatively close, yet safe distance from Issho. ~*~*~*~*~ As soon as it's clear that Aoba has no intention of coming any closer Issho does not hesitate to take the one long step forward to move within grabbing distance of the angel Kuro tenses as he takes yet another step forward, stopping less than a foot from the angel. Before the angel can run however, Issho's hand comes up and take a firm but not painful grip on Aoba's chin, forcing his face up so that the demon can look at his face properly. In a low voice he says, “I admire your bravery angel. Both for coming forward, and for having the fortitude to to stop before I told you to. . .” While his tone holds no ire, it's clear he is displeased with Aoba not doing what he wanted him to. Not that his order had been all that clear. Kuro watches as Issho tilts the angel's face this way and that, examining him the way someone inspects an antique or other rare item, his eyes nearly closed as he takes in all the small features on Aoba's face. His grip is tight, unyielding, but it does not seek to harm the delicate creature. Kuro remains tight, eyes wide, ready to act. Though in this position he could snap Aoba's neck faster than either he or Dani could respond. ~*~*~*~*~ Somehow, Aoba managed to remain still when Issho closed the distance between them. He just stayed looking at the ground until he was suddenly forced to look at the taller demon. The angel went cold and his wings drooped closer to the ground. [i]’Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.’[/i] It was much easier saying it rather than doing so. He could practically hear his heart racing. Of course, he had nothing to say in response to Issho. [i]’Bravery? I’m sure everything I feel right now is fear. Most definitely fear.’[/i] With all the movement to his face, he was forced to relax his head and shoulders in order to move easier. What was Issho looking for? There weren’t that many things on his face to see. Aoba’s hands tug on the bottom of his shirt in effort to distract himself from the examination. He doesn’t like the intense silence but he’s still afraid to make a sound. By the brothers’ actions when Issho had arrived, it was becoming clear that there was little they could do to help him. ~*~*~*~*~ Without warning Issho's other hand comes forward, gently taking Aoba's hand into his own. He lifts the hand, his eyes going from Aoba's face, to the bracelet at his wrist. With and almost, tender, touch, he runs his thumb along the back of Aoba's wrist, the tip brushing against the charms making them shift about. He looks at the charms just as intensely as he looked at Aoba's face. When at last his gaze returns to Aoba's his hand slides from his chin, across his cheek, before finally settling against the back of the angel's head. It would seem almost sweet if Issho was not such an imposing figure. He bends down slowly, bringing his face less than an inch from Aoba's, his gaze still sharp but calm, before moving even close, slipping off to the side so that his lips are even with Aoba's ear. In a gentle voice he murmurs, “What did my brother do to you angel? And I suggest you tell the truth. Start, from the beginning, and go to the end. . .” ~*~*~*~*~ Wondering what was so fascinating about himself, Aoba looked down at his wrist and the charms as well. He counted each of them. Twelve. Just like the last time he counted. It didn’t interest Issho for too long though. The distance between them closed even more and Aoba prepared to step back. Instead, with his eyes shut tight, he listened to the question asked. For the first time since Issho had arrived, Aoba had an expression other than fear. He looked confused. [i]’What did he. . .do?’[/i] Aoba crossed his arms over his chest, reaching one hand up to rub his shoulder. “I-. . .” He was afraid to ask him to clarify. Realizing the pause lasted much too long, Aoba took a breathe. “I-I don’t know what you mean, b-but I can assure you- well, I don’t know if it’s much of an assurance but, um, Kuro hasn’t done anything [i]to[/i] me. At least, nothing I can really complain about…” He was trying his hardest not to ramble, so he paused to try and gather some form of coherent thought. “Well, I fell. Obviously. And he came and helped me.” Aoba glanced back at the house. “With all of this. He’s been helping me with my farm and protecting me from other demons that have tried attacking me. I mean, I don’t necessarily think that’s something done [i]to[/i] me, in context, but it’s something he’s...done?” Aoba held his arm a little tighter and looked back at the ground. “I-I mean we’ve- he’s done nothing else! Well, unless you consider him kissing me something as well.” As his voice got softer with every word, his cheeks turned shades darker. “B-But to be fair I kissed him first…” Aoba shook his head. “Anyway, he even watched over me when I wasn’t here too. As in, I decided to leave and go live in a church instead of here because well. . .Well it was a dumb idea.” He got a little sad at the thought, remembering that he was just too odd to fit in. “But, I mean- nonetheless, he protected me even when I pushed him away and I’m really thankful for it but I don’t think that’s the point you want to hear about. Yet, I’m not exactly sure what you were asking me to begin with.” His voice trailed off, more so because he was running out of breath. At this point he was poking his fingers together and looking at the ground. However, after a moment’s pause, he added. “Oh, and he’s cooked for me...and took one of my feathers.” Once more, falling silent afterwards. He had told the truth and he started from the beginning- well, the beginning of what he thought Issho asked of him. Back in heaven, Kuro didn’t and couldn’t do anything to him. Aoba simply took care of him. There was no need to mention that. Besides, Aoba was still keeping his promise not to tell that part of the story. He waited, tensing up again. Aoba didn’t want to guess what would happen next, especially if Issho didn’t like his answers. ~*~*~*~*~ Kuro watches the grip on the back of Aoba's head tighten and his heart skips a beat. Once he has a moment open to speak the raven haired male speaks up from his place on the porch steps. “You need to start at the beginning Little Mouse, and I have done things to you. . .” His eyes go to Issho's and he asks softly, “He can't recognize it however brother. I will explain if you really must know later.” Issho's grip relaxes and his thumb strokes the angel's cheek softly. He pulls back just far enough to look into Aoba's eyes, waiting for the “real” beginning to the story. ~*~*~*~*~ That all too familiar ‘squeak’ of fear escapes Aoba when he feels Issho’s grip get tighter. [i]’What did I do?! What did I do!?’[/i] He didn’t know what he meant, it wasn’t his fault! Aoba refrained from pouting and focused his attention on Kuro. He was practically giving him permission to tell Issho. . . “But you said not-” He was going to turn around completely to face Kuro, but Issho’s grip on him stopped him from moving. “I didn’t lie. . .” He whined. The close proximity to Issho was starting to make him feel sick, but he tried to ignore it. Having to tell him what really happened made his cheeks puff a little. He made a promise not to tell. . . Taking another breath, Aoba began. “Well, I was a medic angel. . .An assistant medic angel. I never really got to do much in the field besides organize things and take care of the younger angels that gotten hurt. It wasn’t as challenging, but younger angels somehow get a lot more scars. Especially when their training to be earthbound or soldiers. I would think all angels should stay clean to keep their- never mind. Not the point. A-Anyway...Kuro was in a cell. He was captured.” Aoba felt really bad for saying it, even if it wasn’t his fault and even if Kuro told him it was okay to tell Issho everything. “He was being tortured a-and it was really bad. But I offered to treat him after his sessions. No one thought it was a good idea, but he was injured! And he could’ve died being tortured like that! I-I didn’t even know angels would do that.” His eyes widened at the statement as if he was reliving the moment for the first time again. “Kuro explained that no matter how many times I healed him- and I could only do so much unfortunately, they would keep at it until they got what they wanted. I didn’t know what they wanted. I don’t know a lot about the higher ups. I didn’t want to see him die...And I worked so hard to treat him too.” Aoba looked down at his feet in guilt, whispering the next part. “So I let him go.” He didn’t remember actually saying it in heaven. In fact, he just remembered crying a lot because he was imprisoned and then thrown into trial. He would have thought the memory wouldn’t have been so painful anymore, but it still hurt to think about it. “I got caught. They put me on trial. It- It was just a lot of yelling really. . .And then the next thing I knew they took my powers away from me and I was falling out of the sky. I hit the ground pretty hard- but that’s just other stuff about me. After all that it’s what I told you.” He shrank back some. “Kuro’s been helping me since I got here.” ~*~*~*~*~ [i]'Pops was right, Heaven did indeed have him. . .For a time. . .'[/i] He watches Aoba's eyes as he speaks, watching the concern, the haunted expression as he recalls Kuro's state in heaven, and he feels the first flickers of ire. [i]'If an angel pitied him, then the wounds were indeed severe. . .'[/i] While not as hastily violent as his father, Issho does have himself a temper when it comes to his family. It was something that was ingrained into him at a young age. His responsibility to his siblings is paramount to all his other duties. His eyes flicker to Kuro, then back to the angel as he lets the little one finish speaking. His grip flexes, not painfully, but simply in thought as he takes in all the new information and processes it. The sun gleams off his rough yet polished horns, the points seemingly directed at the face before his own. When he finally speaks again, his question is once more simple, but difficult as well. “And what pains have you caused my little brother?” Kuro rises to object, knowing such a question is something private between him and Aoba, however Dani quickly tackles him down, a crack appearing in the earth between the demon clutching the angel's head and the youngest siblings now collapsed on the porch. Dani hisses, glaring at Kuro, not wanting his feelings to endanger the angel. The crack had been a warning from Issho himself for Kuro to stay back, however he doesn't even flinch when delivering it, nor at the flurry of motion behind the angel. He simply waits, silently, for Aoba to respond. ~*~*~*~*~ Aoba realized after speaking that it may have been a terrible idea to say what he did. Not just for Kuro’s sake, but for Heaven’s sake as well. What if they didn’t want everyone to know about it? Issho was probably going to tell Satan and that. . .wasn’t. . .[i]’Oh no, I’m in trouble. More trouble.’[/i] Aoba could not catch a break. He couldn’t catch a break from the multiple mistakes he was making and currently he couldn’t catch a break from Issho. There was no way to hide the guilty expression from the next question. [I]’Is that really something you want to know? I mean, can’t you just ask Kuro? Or leave that up to questioning?’[/i] The one sided conversation in his head ended with a heavy sigh. [i]’I’ve had a long run. I suppose I’ve had way more than three strikes of near death. My life was pretty hectic and a mess any-’[/i] His dramatic ‘will before death’ was interrupted by a loud sound. Aoba’s instinctive reaction was to scramble closer to Issho until he realized that was a terrible idea and ended up retreating back into his spot. [i]’Stay calm, stay calm.’[/i] “I’ve…” He didn’t know how to start or where to begin. Looking at the ground, Aoba spoke. “When Kuro found me, I didn’t like him. Not anymore.” He tugged on his shirt. He couldn’t bring himself to say that he hated Kuro for what happened. “He decided that he owed his life to me and I told him that it was unnecessary.” His voice was soft as if he didn’t want the others to hear him. “Kuro’s been nothing but kind to me and multiple times I’ve disregarded his feelings- feelings I didn’t consider he had because he reminded me all the time that he didn’t have a heart. You all have different ways of expressing, well everything that I’m not used to. I was taught differently as well. I really am sorry about all the trouble I’ve caused. I seem to attract it often.” Aoba paused once more, shifting on his feet. “He- and Dani have been putting themselves in harm’s way to protect me and I’ve taken it for grant it. I was supposed to be doing this by myself, but without them I probably wouldn’t have gotten very far. They shouldn’t have to work so hard because of me.” Aoba paused there, knowing that if he went on, he would have probably ended up apologizing for every little thing he had ever done whether it was good or bad. ~*~*~*~*~ Issho's eyes go wide. As brief as it was, the angel had done the unthinkable and had pressed into him for protection. He retreated right after, but the moment was enough to convince the eldest that this angel is beyond strange. [i]'There is something downright off about this one. . .Fallen angels have always been soldiers. This one's a medic. They've always still hated demons. This one seems to see. . . . .”us”, as family. And he even seems to feel for, well, everyone. Not just those who have sworn themselves to Yahweh. . .'[/i] He listens closely as Aoba outlines his crimes against his family, his shame and sorrow palpable, and rather sweet to be honest. [i]'He feels his greatest crimes are being ungrateful and. . .Hurting Kuro's feelings. Yes, the physical injuries are in there, but. . .'[/i] He watches Kuro finally throw Dani off of himself and stand once more, his eyes locked on his eldest brother. There is clear defiance in his eyes now and he can see the hell Kuro promises to make him pay if the angel comes to harm. Drawing his face back slowly Issho's hand drops to the back of Aoba's neck and he holds the smaller male tight. A sharpened thumb nail slips beneath Aoba's chin, forcing his face up so he continues looking into Issho's face. The blond beast seems to be contemplating something deeply while in the background Dani pouts, remaining flopped on the ground as he waits for something, anything to happen, beyond talking. Up in the tree Kyou is still as ever, the only active part of him his eyes. Without preamble he says matter-of-factly, “You love them, my siblings. Kurotama more so.” Kuro's eyes flash almost painfully at the announcement but he does not deny it. Dani looks up, very confused at the idea of Aoba “loving” him, but he remains silent. It's not his place to question his biggest brother. Going on without bothering to look anywhere else he continues speaking softly. “It is my job to keep my siblings safe, from everyone, even our father himself.” His grip tightens. “I do not tolerate anyone bringing them harm. . .” Kuro is on edge, ready to reduce Issho to ash. “However, at this point, taking your life from you would do him greater harm than leaving you with him, so for now, your life is spared.” He leans in once more, almost close enough to kiss the smaller male. Is breath smells faintly of fresh tobacco(The dry stuff, not the burning stuff) and fresh, fertile earth, an overall pleasant scent. “If that fact ever reverses, I will remove you. Nothing is more precious to me than their lives and happiness. Never forget that.” Then, without warning, he actually kisses Aoba, right on the lips. The kiss is barely more than a peck and once his blessing is in place he propels Aoba off to the side so he can deal directly with Kuro and Dani. He doesn't care what the angel does now. He's said his piece and delivered his verdict and without malice he accepts the angel under his protection as something that brings joy to his siblings. ~*~*~*~*~ Aoba winced ever so slightly when a sharp nail pushed his face upwards. The statement was rather blunt and didn’t expect an answer right after. In fact, it was as if Issho was telling Aoba something he didn’t know. The idea of loving the demons made his cheeks warm a little. It was hard to tell if he was embarrassed of its truthfulness or saddened by it. Love wasn’t very existent with the demons after all. He would have to think about all that later though. Issho was still talking- no he was now threatening him. It sounded like a threat at least. [i]’Hurt his brothers and I don’t get to live. Got it.’[/i] Wide eyed, Aoba nodded slowly in understanding. If he wasn’t in enough shock, the sudden and quick kiss definitely put him in shock. There was something about personal space demons did not understand… With a yelp, Aoba found himself on the ground, near the tree Kyou had decided to hide in. [i]’Oh thank heavens.’[/i] Issho was done berating the angel. Aoba still felt sick to his stomach so he laid on the ground for a few moments, unsure if he wanted to watch the interaction between the brothers. Kyou had half a mind to climb down and help the angel off the ground, but he was still terrified to move. ~~~~~ All the while, sitting on the edge of his bed, Fenrir was glued to the mirror. His heart raced each time Aoba was questioned and certain times, it ached after hearing Aoba’s answers. The distraught look on Fenrir’s face had relaxed dramatically when the eldest demon declared that Aoba wouldn’t get murdered. “You poor, poor angel.” He was amazed the kid didn’t end up worse for wear with how much had been tossed at him. [i]’He doesn’t deserve such trauma. . .’[/i] Like the medic he is, Fenrir began to coax Aoba to get a glass of water and rest. Unfortunately, the doctor couldn’t be heard. ~*~*~*~*~ A wave of relief passes through the dark haired male as Issho declares Aoba basically part of the family and he only feels a very faint irritation as the angel is basically tossed aside like a rag doll. [i]'Oh, thank all things. This, this is. . .'[/i] His eyes meet Issho's and he gives the male a smile in thanks,though he knows this encounter is far from over. The blond walks over to within a few paces of Dani and Kuro, the former letting out a little “whoop!” in triumph over Aoba being freed from death for now. He knows Issho means it. He will kill Aoba if it seems the angel is causing more pain than he is joy, but knowing not only the angel, but also his little brother, the red head is quite sure it will never happen. They've been through too much for such a radical change to happen now. Kuro comes down off the porch, standing at the ready for whatever Issho has in mind for him, not even mildly afraid of what may happen to him over what he's done to Dani. The smallest demon scrambles up and bounces on the balls of his feet, his wings twitching happily. The blond's eyes go to those wings and narrow as he spots the collar and leash. Looking back at Kuro he raises an eyebrow, demanding an explanation silently. Kuro lets out a long breath at the look and he explains softly, “When Dani first arrived he had no investment in keeping Aoba alive, and as that is what I swore to do, and he is stronger than me as you know, this was the only way to ensure he did not kill the little angel in one of his infamous temper fits.” He looks sideways at Dani. “And even with the restraints in place, he's come close a few times. . .” Not refuting this whatsoever Dani nods in agreements, a sly grin on his face. Bouncing up to Issho however he paws at the collar and gives the taller male his shiniest eyes. Kuro flinches as his spell is broken in an instant, the crackle of fractured energy making his arm rather numb. He doesn't try to object however. He knew the collar and leash were temporary things when he made them and he is fairly confident now that Dani has learned to not harm Aoba, or at least has the ingrained reactions to stop him before he does too much harm. Issho reaches up and pets Dani's hair and the smaller demon coos happily before bounding over to Aoba to sit astride his chest, poking his cheek and wondering why he's not up yet. Now, with all of his attention on Kuro, Issho lets his energy ripple out once more and for the first time a real expression crosses his face. His brows furrow into a scowl and the raven haired male knows what's coming next. With a slow exhale Kuro looks this way and that before finally gesturing to the empty field across the road from the farm. Issho surveys the swaying grass and nods, falling into step behind Kuro as he leads the way across the gravel. Dani, who's pulled Aoba into a sitting position and is hugging the angel like a giant teddy bear, watches his brothers move away from the farm and he gives Aoba an extra squeeze. When the angel asks where they are going Dani chuckles softly. “Issho's gonna trounce Kurotama soundly for upsetting Pops, for collaring me, for not telling Pops the full truth right away, yadda yadda, all those bad things, and he's gonna use the fight to assess the Black Little Storm Cloud's resolve and all that other noble crap. . .” Glancing up he snaps, “He, nutless!” Kyou nearly falls out of the tree, being addressed directly while being so deeply entrenched in terror. He manages to catch himself however, tearing his eyes from the eldest child and dropping them down to the red head, the bright orbs nearly bugging out of his head. Dani scoffs at the sight and shakes his head before calling up, “Get your ass done here and keep a hand on Aoba. I'm going to hell to get Homura. My little brother will need some repairs after this.” Without a sound Kyouku drops to the ground behind Aoba, slipping to his side as Dani moves away from the gray winged creature to make his portal. The little headwings on Kyou's head are laying flat against his hair as eh slips an arm under Aoba's, hugging the limb tightly to his chest as he watches the eldest and youngest vault the fence across the way. The faint tremble in his limbs makes it clear he's still terrified but he looks as ready as he can be to protect Aoba should he have to. As Dani vanishes the two taller demons come to a halt several yards from the fence, turning to face one another so that from the view from the farm shows them both from the side. Almost like the “ready” shot at the beginning of an old fashioned fighting game. Unlike when Dani and Kuro go at it, the face off here looks a lot more traditional. The two look at one another, silent, stoic, until at last Issho moves. He moves slowly and with controlled movements that reflect his skills. His hand goes to his side where, as if drawing a blade, he pulls his arm up while gripping what looks to be thin air. After a moment however a black and green blade crackles into sight, seemingly made of pure energy with only the faintest glints of silver here an there as the energy moves around it. It looks shockingly like an angelic blade, colors aside, and high above an arch angel gasps at the sight of it, his fingers clutching a mirror tightly as he watches the face off. Issho had decided long ago to take up a blade like his father's, finding it the perfect fit for him. Somehow far more noble than anything else he could think of at the time Satan had told him to pick a weapon. Unlike his father's gold sword however, his is made with the image of silver. He's never been able to quite make gold. Kuro smirks at the sight of it, watching his brother also unsheathe his wings, beating them slowly almost as if to bow his energy around his little brother in intimidation. Kuro does not back down from the challenge, bringing out his own wings and even managing to not flinch at the faint throb from the still very fresh wound. [i]'So, weapons and wings. You're really serious. . .'[/i] He would normally be rather afraid of what his brother has planned for him, however, spotting Aoba out of the corner of his eye he can't help but smirk cockily and reach behind his back over his shoulder to grasp his own weapon. [i]'You have done all I could ever ask of you brother. Take as many pounds of flesh you will in payment. . .'[/i] Drawing his arm up slowly he can feel the weight of his chosen weapon settling comfortably against his body and with a sudden swift jerk his pitch black scythe appears. A good three feet longer than Kuro is tall the base of the handle sinks into the ground as Kuro slams it down into place, standing at it's side proudly with his smirk still in place. The massive lade is as long as Aoba and arches from the top point of one outstretched wing to the top point on the other. The massive weapon looks far to large for him, cartoony even, if it wasn't for how deadly it looks. The beast of a weapon seems to be made of blackened metal or cut stone, the entire thing dancing with black flame. The flame travels across the weapon, eventually wrapping around Kuro as well, making both demon and weapon look as one and as the grass beneath his feet turns to ash, Kuro feels as ready as he'll ever be for this clash. His weapon tilts, the ground tearing as the base rips from the ground with the slow movement, then with a sound of metal on metal the handle falls into his outstretched hand and he holds it before him at the ready. Kyouku, having never seen such a display of power, is two parts fascinated, six parts terrified, and carefully clings to Aoba that much tighter out of fear. He figures that the most powerful demon present has shown the angel favor so as long as he sticks close to Aoba, he's safe. That's his reasoning at least. Swallowing hard he keeps his eyes locked on the combatants as at last they bother take off at the same instant, crashing together with tremendous force that seems to be the cause for the darkening sky.