[center] [h3] Rekuzan Xero - 4th Seat, Squad 11[/h3] { Squad 11 Meeting Room - Roof }[/center] Once again, Xero was on watch duty. In a weird way, it was the duty that Xero got lumped with almost immediately after joining Division Eleven after graduating from the academy. Watch duty was in nigh solace for extended hours at a time. Couple with the fact there was never anything to report, it made the duty even more boring and tedious. Many used to see the chore as a form of punishment when they lost favour with others in the division for one reason or another. It found a suitable place in Xero's routine due to the shinigami's preference for anti-social behaviour. The problem with being a member of squad 11, is that the precedence and reputation of the division attracted more lenient, festive shinigami - the kind who weren't too interested in orders or being quiet. It made the more tame chores awkward and uncomfortable for Xero as other Eleventh Division shinigami would bombard him with questions to pick his brain, find out more about him. Aloof on the roof. The roof had no questions. Xero was seated in praying lotus position, his eyes glancing this way and that as below him shinigami filed in and out of the various huts and areas. Xero saw the arrival of the 9th Division captain, but made no move to stop or approach her. He had done so very early on in his shinigami career, which result in 3 buildings of the division barracks being lost in leaves when he refused to back down from letting her pass without getting approval from the Captain first. He also watched as the Captain and Lieutenant converged on the kitchen behind Koyoshi and soon after the aroma of rice, chicken and seasoned apple enticed the a good portion of the eleventh division to the windows and doorways of the kitchen eagerly anticipating food to be served. Xero stayed resolute at his post, but he could only find control over his conscious thoughts. His stomach rumbled and his nose wrinkled at the enticing aroma. He wanted to eat. He was hungry. But his shift had not finished. That was more important; more important than his next meal. More important than his [i]last[/i] meal. Xero took a depth breath and stretched his neck. Orders were orders after all.