[quote=@Renny] [@tobiax] Thinking about Huckmon, I prefer the other name Hackmon. http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Huckmon [/quote] That... might be good, but you will need a stand-in Mega, else wait to reach a Mega stage. (It totally is Hackmon though. What in the world is a Huck?) That being said, I'm a bit pensive about Jesumon, seeing as it's fairly Mary Sue and fails to really tie in to its name in any way that I can see. Plus one of its techniques literally just allows it to cheat. [quote=@Xeronoia] http://wikimon.net/Hackmon uses the actual translation for the names of Digimon as opposed to the dub (though it does list the dub name for moves sometimes), and has official entries on them. Not all of them are translated yet so some Digimon just have a very barebones page. Also, rolling with http://wikimon.net/Gottsumon over here. I just love the idea of Gottsumon, Icemon, and Insekimon being recolors of the same form. [/quote] True. However, there are some that the english names are a bit easier to remember what they are. For example, Insekimon, I sometimes confuse with Kenkimon for whatever reason, and I feel Meteormon eliminates confusion, and rolls off the tongue a bit better, yeah?