[center][h2][color=Silver][U][B]Arashi, Akane 茜 疾風* [/B] - [I]The Lost Moonflower[/I][/U][/color][/h2] [sub]*Kanji goes first name then last order[/sub][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a3/7e/a9/a37ea9c76e1357e8fe26461caecf23ef.jpg[/img] [sub]I did not draw or lay claim to the image above, that goes to the artist, merely using it for reference for the (N)PC.[/sub][/center] [hider=General Data][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Akane Arashi [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] ‘Whore’, ‘Bitch’, ‘Ship Wrench’, ect. [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Female [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 25 [I][U]Age Appearance:[/U][/I] 25 [I][U]Sexuality:[/U][/I] Lesbian, preference [B][U]Village:[/U][/B] N/A [I][U]Birthplace:[/U][/I] N/A [B][U]Organization:[/U][/B] Cruel Knave Pirates [B][U]Clan/Kekkei Genkai (or hiden):[/U][/B] Explosion (Bakuton: Lightning+ Earth) [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] A [U][I]Position:[/I][/U]Cannon Brigade General [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] Fire (Katon), Lightning (Raiton), & Earth (Doton) [b][u]Additional Appearance Details: [/u][/b] Akane is a mature and muscular woman, with her height at 177.8 cm (5’10”). Her body frame is slightly thicker than most showing her skills lie in strength rather than speed, muscles built up to push out more power than they originally look to be capable of. Her skin is dark chocolate and her eyes are a cinnamon red, the color flowing well to give her a hardened look to fate's cruelty. The woman’s dark brown hair reaches down to just her shoulder and is often in a tight braid, her bangs held back by a blue, grimy head rag. About her neck is a collar worn since her imprisonment at sixteen, becoming both a reminder of her past as well as protection against any cocky mate itching to cut her head from her shoulders. Unlike her collar, which is made of a strong western metal, her large earrings are made of lighter weight bronze. Underneath her clothes, her flesh bears evidence of the Cruel Knave’s crew punishment and horrors. These scars range from where the chains chaffed to whip burns, each one a faded memory across her dark complexion. During her time on the ship, and for better mobility, Akane long ago worked herself out of wearing dresses and ended up hobbling together an outfit suitable for a crew mate. Most of it was hand-me-downs from dead or murdered mates over the course of years. Her outfit has seen better days as they are stained by the sea air, sweat, blood and worse, giving them a dull hue in color. Her clothing fashion is similar to [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5f/c3/71/5fc3717368946399cd11ea27a9a93aec.jpg]this[/url] , but with a few alterations. The belt on the waist isn’t here, instead the top layer shirt goes all the way to her waist and covering any skin exposure without crippling her movement. [B][U]History:[/U][/B] Not many children could say their lives rolled with the sea’s rocking waves since birth, but Akane could. The child of a shinobi ninja and normal man, both assigned, on a voyage to explore the vasts seas. Lovers since childhood, they were married and took to the given task with hope and adventure in their hearts. Akane’s mother became pregnant within the first few weeks of the voyage's preparations and nine months later she came along, her life spent on the deck of a rolling ship where the sea’s cruelty and compassion was always present. Akane was always taught that life, much like the sea, was sometimes tranquil and generous one moment and cruel and merciless the next. This fact become inescapable the day Locke Wind’s ship raided her family’s vessel. That day would sear in Akane’s memory while her father was killed in action defending their ship, and her mother and her lives were tossed into the stormy clutches of Locke Wind and his crew. In the bellows of the Cruel Knave, Akane learned in the worse way how a man could rip out his own pleasures from a woman’s body. Her body passed from Locke himself down to the bilge rats in the lower ranks. It took weeks to mend the physical traces, but the scenes twisted and unfolded every night within her memory. At the age of eighteen, her emotions and mental state were crippled at best. Needless to say, it left her scarred to intimacy towards the opposite sex. She fared much better than her mother who ended up passing away after one of the men’s successions got out of hand. She watched her mother die from infection and fever, forcing Akane to promise she would do whatever it takes to survive. To Locke’s crew, she was merely property from spoils that thankfully gained less attention after she was ‘deflowered’ by the captain. To survive and not be casted into the sea, she applied herself to learning tasks like cooking, cleaning the captain's quarters, served the meals, and even aided the surgeon in holding the mates down after the lucky ones were merely injured in combat. These small tasks would later add strength to her limbs, improve her skills in the future. However, the physical and mental abuse continued on until she managed to make her first kill and become officially part of the crew. An abled bodied seaman of lower rank had tried to out drink her which he failed miserably. Angry at being bested by a female, he tried to force himself on her and remind her of her place, his action finally the last time she could bare to endure. When her hands wrapped about the drooling pirate pawing into her breeches, ready to enjoy himself, her hands gripped his jaw and head back then ripped it roughly to the side to snap his neck. The bad part… she hadn’t snapped it well enough. Instead of an instant death, something she expected after trying to mimic it from memory, he merely slumped over into one of her legs and mumbled inaudible words. This caused her to panic as her eyes lifted to see Locke Wind appeared, his face studying her work with glossed over eyes. His first words startled her, mentioning she had done it wrong. When he took a step toward them making Akane jumped and dropped the helpless man upon the deck where Wind snatched the unfortunate man. Unceremoniously, he then tossed the victim overboard with a loud splash. He left her to meditate over what she had done wrong that night much to Akane’s relief. Only a month passed when she saw her first combat onshore. It was while she was down in the kitchens, she was informed by the Gunnery mate she was to gear up and be ready to join the shore party. Shocked, she had little choice but to follow orders. It was her first official taste of combat and nearly her last. She was among the few still standing when the village they were attacking was burned to the ground. During the drunken celebrations, one of the mates started to return to their old ways. The fact she had killed one of their mates was slowly fading and again, he started to become too touchy for her liking. Akane’s reaction was simple. She ended up sending the pirate down on his knees when she jerked up her leg and crushed it against his pelvis, ending the urge swiftly. Akane snatched up the rum bottle then took a heavy draft while she walked away from the crumbled man. This simple action only provoked future fights which she used get her point across, her reputation growing with each one. It continued towards her twenty-first birthday,her victories boosting her confidence and showing her the only way to survive was become stronger. At this time, there was only a select few in the crew and captain Wind himself who could end up outmatching her, usually reaping their reward with her body. Much to her relief, Wind had slowly lost his lustful nature with his desire to become immortalized in the memory of the world. A few more years went by and she had gained an authoritative role among the crew, sometimes earning the glares or respect of others. She was often responsible for shaping up the new recruits and showing them the ropes. Among combat, her power was widely known among her shipmates earning her the name of ‘Deep Red Tempest’ since her style was ferocious and leaving blood in her wake. It wasn’t a surprise because she had been improving her fighting style since she was nineteen, either through others or by herself. In recent years, she’s noted something disturbing with Captain Wind. His judgement, whims, and habits gradually altered over the course of a few years causing her concern for her future. It didn’t help about a small percent of the crew had began whisperings about fleeing the tyrant’s grip during battle. A fact she, herself, was starting to understand though she knew there was no where else to go. She doubted any village would be willing to harbor an ex-pirate and any peace she might’ve gained outside Wind’s gasp, wouldn’t last long. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] TBD [Url=]Theme:[/url] Optional.[/hider] [hider=Equipment] [B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] X explosive tags. X smoke bombs. X kunai X shuriken X wire [/hider] [hider=Combat Data] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] Excellence Strength and Stamina Large Chakra Pool Talented (Mastery) in Chakra Control Little talent in Genjutsu (However, she can resist it) Unconventional thinker/opportunist in combat Strongest in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu High Pain Tolerance She uses Explosion or Lightning with her physical attacks sometimes, often making it difficult to physically counter. This adds a little extra kick to her above average strength in hand to hand combat and has saved her life more times than she could count. Often she will favor Explosion rather than Lightning, mainly because flipping back and forth between them, constantly, drains more chakra then it benefits her in long fights. While on board, Akane has learned a wide range of odd n’ end skills. From foraging to hunting and even fishing, she has the basic knowledge to care for herself during the few times their captain had stranded his ship. In addition, she knew a bit of carpentry while aiding the surgeon/carpenter alongside his work in patching the ship. These skills might seem a bit out of place in combat but they have helped improve her abilities overall, from studying threats for weaknesses she can capitalize on to recalling scenes during high adrenaline pumping moments. Through she is immune to Explosion damage, her body is still susceptible to the other elements. [B]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/B] Bakuton ([sub]爆遁[/sub] [I]'Explosion Release'[/I]). [B]Clan:[/B] Originated from the Arashi, a shinobi family located in Getsugakure in the Land of the Moon. [B]Description:[/B] Combining Lightning and Earth together, the user is able to use the Explosion Release. Originally this was a Kekkie Genkai once held in the Arashi family, passed on through selective marriage of minor families within the Land of the Moon. Over time, issues and concerns of genetics have arisen as the Release has started to skip over several generations within the last 8 years. An experiment to see if this problem could be solved was to allow family members to marry outside the smaller community, integrating smaller families while branching off into new ones. The number to inherit the Explosion Release rose in the next generation though the children didn't always use the Arashi name. *Note: Having Explosion Release would mean in some form or fashion, your PC has roots in the Arashi family somewhere. ==================== [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] Canon Jutsu [hider=Other] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning:_Lightning_Flash_Blade_Creation]Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka-Lightning Flash Blade Creation Seal[/url]-Located on Akane’s forearms, located on a part of wrist bracelets. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Flying_Thunder_God_Technique]Flying God Technique[/url]: continual and unbroken usage will drain serious amounts of chakra in her reserves. This means she can't just flip non stop between her seals unless she wants to died when her chakra runs out. Akane's main reason for learning this technique was to get into close range of her opponent and overcome distance issues which means this Fūinjutsu is her only one. Sadly, it's not at the level it could be and so she is limit to 3 seals which she can plant at one time, limiting the areas she can actually teleport to. When these seals are planted, she has to touch to remove and replace them else where. In addition she also has a mastery in the basic E ranking techniques. [/hider] [hider=Explosion Release][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Explosion_Release:_Exploding_Palm]-Exploding Palm[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Explosion_Release:_Landmine_Fist]Landmine Fist[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_Great_Explosion]Clone Great Explosion[/url][/hider] [hider=Fire Release][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Ash_Pile_Burning]Ash Pile Burning[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Dragon_Fire_Technique]Dragon Fire[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Dragon_Flame_Release_Song_Technique]Dragon Flame Release Song[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Running_Fire]Running Fire[/url]: [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Dragon_Fire_Technique]Great Dragon Fire Technique[/url][/hider] [hider=Lightning][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Cutter]Lightning Cutter[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Lightning_Beast_Tracking_Fang]Lightning Beast Tracking Fang[/url]: [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Lightning_Signal_Fire] Lightning Signal Fire[/url]-none combative [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Depth_Charge]Depth Charge[/url]: [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Thunderbolt]Thunderbolt[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Electromagnetic_Murder]Electromagnetic Murder[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_Release:_Shadow_Clone_Technique]Shadow Clone[/url][/hider] [hider=Earth][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_Spear]Earth Spear[/url]: Akane usually limits it to one limb at a time to consume less chakra, but she can use it for her whole body in short 8 second bursts with a cool down time of 14 seconds. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_Wave_Technique]Earth Wave[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Tunnelling_Technique]Tunneling[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Underground_Explosion]Underground Explosion[/url][/hider] [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Explosion Release: Hidden Mine [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu/Taijutsu-Offensive [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] When set off, Short Range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Explosion Release [B]Handseals:[/B] 2 (Remote detonation) [B]Description:[/B] By focusing her chakra into the palm of her hand, Akane can condense her chakra into a small and tight ball about the size of a ping pong ball. Then she fills it with Explosion Release creating a sort of latent bomb that can go off on impact, detonated remotely or triggered. To trigger it, a target needs only to hit or step on it for it to explode as Akane can adjust the pressure it needs (weight required) before setting it down. Using this to Akane’s advantage, she can push these golf ball size chakra into trees, buildings, the ground, or other inanimate objects to spring at a later date without notice during battle. [B]Weakness:[/B] Due to the condensed form of the Hidden Mine, it can’t be placed within a individual as a bomb. This means when applied to living ninja or individuals, the Hidden Mine would go off instantly on contact creating the same effect as if she had just used her Explosion Release in her punches. While this Jutsu is hidden to the naked eye, jutsu able to detect and see chakra are able to see these ‘bombs’ as white-blue orbs of the stated size. [/hider]