[hider]All right... it's that time again. People have either dropped off or are so slow in replying to the current role-plays, that I can take on another one. [b]I cannot stress this enough though - I know we all get excited and motivated by new ideas and hit the ground running, but I also know a lot of us lose that same motivation once the initial rush is past - so please, for the sake of my sanity, make sure you're willing to role-play for some time before PMing me.[/b] On that note, I've had a particular craving for a certain type of character. I want to give the whole story, so I can help envision this character in your mind. First, a little background information... I used to play a game called Neverwinter Nights, which is a PC game based on D&D rules (it's based in Neverwinter of Fearun, go figure). I used to role-play a ton (10 years in fact) on that and the pace in which you role-play is a bit different than on the forums. This is important for later when I describe the whole idea. ^.- Anyways, it was a click and point type of game - you clicked somewhere, your character would run there. Click an enemy, they'd attack, kind of like Diablo but much slower paced. Well, when you'd enter a server to role-play (they had custom built worlds) you would click by other characters and just talk as if you were that character. Kind of like chat room RPs, but talk was actually limited to a certain distance so the whole server didn't hear what your character had to say. You could even whisper and other characters had to be within like 5 feet to see the whispered text! The great thing about this was, on a server of like 50 people, you could run randomly into other characters you've never seen before and start weaving stories and character's emotions. Your character could've been on a server for two months, feeling lonely and not finding any love, and then randomly run into another character that's been there for three months (but they hadn't met) and fall in love. [hr] Sooooo! The daydream I had was that I was playing a Bard and she was kind of like... a Harper, if anyone knows who they are. Essentially, she would scribble down notes about anyone and everyone she thought was important in order to gain intel about what was going on in the area. This was mostly so she could try and get ahead of things and stop really bad stuff from happening before it really had a chance to start. At times she'd even explore dungeons and ruins just to study them on the off-chance she finds something worth note - of course if she was caught in a crypt fighting skeletons by another adventurer, she'd play it off like she was lucky and really not skilled at combat at all. So getting further into the actual situation, which again is more to paint my character's place in the world, I imagine my bard in the middle of a outside gathering. Like the outside part of a tavern... and she's taking notes. Well, suddenly, one of the more infamous (somewhat evil) women call her over. Playing the ruse of just an innocent bystander, she shuffles close hesitatingly only to be pulled down to sit next to the woman. Then with a quick swipe of her hand, the woman steals the bard's notebook and reads the last thing written; "I know I shouldn't stare.. that woman hasn't really been the most pleasant company to other patrons.. but I must admit her beauty is captivating." That's when the woman hands it over and just [b]stares[/b] at the bard for a few moments and then blurts out, "you fancy women, do you?" Embarrassed, mostly because it's not something she had shared for some time, she runs from the scene into the middle of town - hugging the book close to her chest. She stops to catch her breath when she hears a friend calling. Looking up, it's someone she's gotten to know better within the last week or so, and the friend comes up on her with a surprised grin. "You like women!?" The bard looks away bashfully, biting her lip in silence. "I wish you had told me!" the friend says. "I do think you're kind of cute..." [hr] So that's where the daydream ends and that definitely doesn't need to be the actual scene. Like I said, it was merely an example of the type of character I'd be playing. However after some research, I wouldn't really be playing a bard. I'd probably be playing some sort of agent (like a Harper) that maybe has... I dunno. I guess you can color me undecided. I'm personally not good at singing or playing instruments (or poems) but I do love the idea of song magic. ^.^[/hider]