[color=purple][center] The Empire of Zellon [/center] [/color] [center] August 1836 [/center] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTALvXX3ZEzqMDIgHrB-COcY6OeZW40GhVRfXe0O_htiaQNPOxC[/img][/center] As the King sat at his looking over all the reports that he had missed while he was sick. He had heard about the recent war and even of his own colonists burning their own ships. Zach knew he must give them something. So he sent a letter to the Viceroy and his son Zach who was also in the colonies. Yet he'd heard nothing of his expeditionary force or of his son James who was in Kuneia. But he must give new orders to his colonial holdings. He also heard news of things to the south and knew he'd have to find a way to get into the areas as well. [hider=To Viceroy Nathon Hesk] [i]To Viceroy Nathon Hesk, The colonists must be allowed to expand so begin sending out expeditions into the wild to find suitable land to claim. However make sure they aren't protected by any natives we don't wish to appear weak as the Nehalains. We must deal with these agitators so allow them to have a public trial and allow them to decide how they are to be punished. If they won't hold a trial or it is unfair the citizens will be brought back to Zellonia and tried here. Be very careful and make sure my son is well taken care of. Signed, King Zach Conrad[/i][/hider] He decided not to comment on the war that was waged by the massive army of the north-east. He then began going through any alliance and trade requests. [hider=To the Oslad Federation] [i]To King Ulgrin II First off allow me to congratulate you on becoming a great power and on our new trade agreement passing. You annexation of you neighbor hopefully went along smoothly. You and your family are welcome to the Island of Zellonia any time just do give me a notice beforehand. Signed, King Zach Conrad[/i][/hider] [hider=To King Rolfe] [i]To King Rolfe I will gladly accept our defensive pact and trade agreement. I hope that our meal went along well and that you and the elections went well. If you require anything of me or of my countrymen I will hope to do my best and return the favor in the future. Signed, King Zach Conrad[/i][/hider] [hider=To the Boletarian Commonwealth] [i]To King Alorik II, I hope my two second rate and three third rate vessels do you some good. I hope that with these new ships the seed of friendship has begun to bloom and that we open up a trading market between the Commonwealth and the Empire of Zellonia. Signed, King Zach Conrad[/i][/hider] With those matters attended to the King went and saw his new line of factories that were made while he's been sick and they were pumping out goods which would be excellent to sell to the mainland as factory made products are cheaper and with most of mainland having few factories if any at all would make our economy boom. Now as one of his assistants brought in a letter that was disturbing the Nehalenia. "I thought they were better then this. They are one of the most modernized countries and one of the best naval powers ever. However I can not stand for this" He sent the man out and began writing a letter to the world. [hider=To (Insert Country name here)] [i]To (Leader of said country) It has come to my attention that the country of Nehalenia had fought with some natives who attacked their men previously. Now that is understandable, what is not acceptable is the way they handled retaliation. They burned, pillaged and took women of the natives into slavery. Now as such I King Zach of the Empire of Zellonia hereby denounce and embargo the Kingdom of Nehalenia. I ask you to stand by me and cease all trading with them. I also will send my navy to begin halting trade to the Kingdom until the slaves are released and all the men responsible for these heinous crimes are tried. By the natives they attacked. I would also like to ask anyone willing to send their ships and begin blockade Nehalnia. Signed, King Zach Conrad of the Empire of Zellonia.[/i][/hider] If he had sea he'd need to cover land as well. So he begun writing to his allies on the mainland [hider=To Oslad Federation] [i]To King Ulgrin II I request as trading partner and friend that you cease trade with Nehalenia and turn away anyone that wishes to trade with them over your lands. I thank you if you accept and should you deny then I understand and it'll be no insult to me. Signed, King Zach Conrad[/i] [/hider] [hider= To The Kingdom of Kalpia] [i]To King Ausht IV I would like to request that as an old trading partner you cease trading with Nehalenia and halt anyone that attempts to cross your lands to trade with them. The things they've done are terrible. Signed, King Zach Conrad[/i][/hider] The king stood up gave the letters to messengers which would deliver them personally to each of the countries that are our allies and that trade with Nehalenia. He then called in his admirals gave them their orders and sent them off. [hider=Notes of everything] Zellonia Adopts Strategic Command The King sends 15 3rd rates ships, 7 2nd rates ships and 4 1st rate ships to turn away any ship trading with Nehalenia. 5 3rd rate ships, 3 2nd rate ships and 1 1st rate ship are sent to the colonial Zellonia with 3,000 more troops to help scout out new land to colonize, Marriage between Princess Kara and the Heir to Skeptoni will soon be underway. Asks the old world to stand with me against slavery and stop trade with Nehalenia. two 2nd rate ships and a 1st rate ship are taking 535 redcoats to the south and begin a small outpost. [/hider]