Flippy felt the sharp pain of being hit in the chest, being knocked back didn't help either. He was getting real mad at these monsters and was hoping for a way in which they could get down before the return to the past. While in a defense position he heard William say that the thing keeping them from the tower was the Obelisk. Following William shortly after he made his dash at the enemy, and just before Bella and Garsin started to attack. Flippy knew his plan was to charge up on Bella's paint and send his sword flying at the Obelisk when Garsin starts playing. Flippy got his sword covered in the purple paint and kept on running. He got within range of the Obelisk and waited for Garsin to start playing he would then need to quickly do the next part of his plan. He started to hear the noise of Garsin his notes so he threw his sword like a spear at the Obelisk in hopes his plan would work. But since he didn't cover his ears before hand Flippy felt the sharp high pitched noise clawing at his ears for a just a few seconds. Flippy managed to cover his ears but seems a bit stunned by what just happened this also caused him to drop to his knees.