Deep in the dark reaches of nothing they stirred, lost, forgotten beings. Followers of the Lord of Nightmares felt a niggling of energy. At first they debated the meaning of that, only to be silenced as another faint surge of energy sluiced through space, spiraling to them. Elements of the key called to them. Elements assembled to form a key made of fragmented dreams. Great wings flapped as the Forgotten rose from their slumber, seeking the key that held the Lord of Nightmares bound. Kavi the Aeryn of the Seventh Station stirred as the sudden surge of Galdhr from the deeps of space woke her from her dreams. Reaching out into the vast, hoary dark, she felt the Forgotten as they moved with purpose. Standing, the Aeryn gripped her great sword, staring with brilliant turquoise energy in the direction of the enemies of the Dreamers. Studying the energy whorls, she started as she traced the line they followed to the Nexus of Worlds. Uttering a curse in a language that few would ever know, the Aeryn summoned her destrier from the gloom. She would have to ride fast to arrive at the Nexus before them. Glancing one last time at the Seventh Station, with its stark walls and basalt throne, the station was the only edifice floating in a sea of darkness. [center]***[/center] Before the great throne of the Nexus, a surging of energy began draining energy from everything, only blunted after a moment by Skallagrim’s intervention. The area before the throne shimmered as a deep rumble of energy escaped from some when as a giant skeletal destrier, with a woman dressed in white and black robes, gripping a two-handed sword appeared. For a moment, an eternity no sound carried as the two stared at one another, then without warning tendrils of energy from each lashed forward, intersecting in a dance of energy, as the tendrils lashed together, wove themselves around one another before slipping away. [color=6ecff6]“Skallagrim . . . the Forgotten rise. They feel the call of the Key and seek it. They will breech the Seventh Station, they will be again in the world of light.”[/color] For a moment the Cughtagh stared, then a static filled the air, slowly modulating until a hissing voice echoed. [color=8493ca] “I feel them. They will be here before this tournament ends I fear.”[/color] Skallagrim rose, taking slow measured steps down towards the Aeryn. [color=8493ca]“You must go to the Dreaming Queen, gather your sisters. I fear before this day is out, the Queen shall need your protection.”[/color] Nodding Kavi reached down, her hand touching the face of Skallagrim, [color=6ecff6]“And you Cughtagh? What shall the Walker between Worlds do?”[/color] Touching her hand, he felt more than the structure, he felt her energy, and then slowly released it. [color=8493ca]“I shall do what I have to. Go. They will come and remember how their lord was beaten. They will remember the power of a Cughtagh and they will fall like chaff to the scythe.”[/color] Kavi lingered a moment longer then urged her great mount forward, becoming a shadow then vanishing through the throne. Skallagrim stood alone for a moment before he summoned a tall, lanky humanoid to him. [color=8493ca]“Prepare to evacuate the contestants and their seconds. Send away those who have served here, they must be allowed to escape.”[/color] The humanoid nodded before hurrying away to do as he was told.