[center] [IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Saharaam.240.333698.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name[/B] Azai Chasina [B]Age[/B] 25 [B]Powers[/B] [I][B]Monochrome[/B][/I] Monochrome is a power that suppresses everything close to the user, restraining and draining the vitality of living things, accompanied by the withering of all color, earning the power it's name. If left rampant, the power will twist and ravage everything in the area of effect. Monochromatic Aura Suppresses the life-force and power of all things in the user's vicinity. The monochromatic aura can cut the power of a strong enemy by half, kill a lesser enemy, and even cause substantial damage to the surrounding environment, in a radius of 14 meters(about 45 foot) Monochromatic Wall Counters all offensive forces, shielding the user from enemy attacks. White Wall The user creates a white wall around themselves which emits blinding light and anything inside the wall ceases to exist. It is supposed to be most powerful form of the ability, that it takes massive amount of the user's energy even leaving him/her with no energy at all. (The power effects people according to their strength, the more powerful the enemy the less effect they suffer. And if the power is broken, the user is left stunt for a couple seconds, and completely vurnable. And if someone has an ability of regeneration, of the same level as monochrome they suffer no effect at all) [B][I]Minds Insight[/I][/B] It grants him tremendously accurate vision and the ability to read and predict practically any move his opponent could make as well as the minute details and movements of anything within his direct vision. The eye's only weakness is that when there is a physical obstacle blocking its path, it is unable to provide Azai with the predictions it normally would. And it also gives him advanced hearing. (its only available for two posts of the opponent) [B]Weapons[/B] Halberd [B]Bio[/B] For all his life Azai been told by his life that he was good for nothing, trouble magnet kid. He wasn't good at school always having fights, and causing him to get all kinda if punishements like detentions and expellings, and resulting him of getting bad grades. But what his patents never understood was his reasons. His younger brother the golden boy of his parents and everybody else, was always being picked on in school and everywhere else because of his intelligence and overweight, and Azai couldn't let that pass by without making them say sorry. Their relationship was good they loved each other, his brother was the only person that knew Azai was smart but in his own way, but his protective instinct would always gets the best of him. In the later years when Azai was 16 years old, he discovered that his only way to make it in life, was to make a career in sports so he joined a dojo trying to learn martial arts, to make a career in fighting. He was good and his master liked him, his parents still didn't approve of it, because it was taking all his time and pulling him away further from his studies, his younger brother encouraged him, and decided to join him, he didn't want to stay fat and get his brother in trouble for him. After a year of practicing Azai took the junior championship of Kung Fu, so he decided to drop out of school and that was the final straw for his parent, and kicked him out of home telling him that if he don't want to live by their terms, then he can live on his own, by himself, his brother was against it and told them he would leave with him if they do kick him out, yet Azai told him not and left home. For the next years he was working part time jobs to pay for his rent, and practicing at the dojo, he was aiming to be a professional, because of his master wish. His master's training he started experiencing an ability his master called the mind's eye. His brother kept visiting him in his house and also kept training with him at the dojo, so their relationship was still excellent. As the years went by, he became a pro and was able to buy a home and he also adopted a pet dog called him Luka, his master was proud of him and had a great relationship until that day came. He was walking down the street when a strange man approched and tried to land a punch on Azai, a battle broke between the two and eventually Azai came out victorious, the man fell and seemed unconscious, but when he approached him he appeared to be dead, and that shocked him and that was quickly gone when a strange aura came from the deadman, and engulfed him. Azai felt strangely powerful, the aura started to shaping into something else, a monochromatic color field surronding him, decaying the deadman and the plants around him, he wanted to stop it but he couldn't at first but after it fully decayed the man, he was able to force it into a stop. He decided that the only man who was able to help was his master so he went for his help. His master was to help him, to control it but not control who it harms within its field. So his master gave him the location of a place he heard about, to help people like him to control their powers. Azai went there it was Miss Dawson's house... [B]Dreams/Wishes[/B] To be able to live a wealthy life by his career [B]Evil, Good, Walking the Line[/B] Walking the line [B]Siblings[/B] Younger brother [B]Pets[/B] A Canaan dog "Luka" [/center]