[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/z14MwbG.jpg?1[/img][/center] [hr] [center][i]This character is originally created from [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86775-the-badlands/ooc]The Badlands[/url].[/i] [⭕️][/center] [hr] [center][center][h2]Character Sheet[/h2][/center] Name: [i]Gareth Schisse[/i] Age: [i]21[/i] Gender: [i]Male[/i] Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/YimohFl.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Affiliation: [i]Young Gods[/i] Strengths: [i]Efficient[/i] | [i]Energetic[/i] | [i]Self-Confident[/i] | [i]Strong-willed[/i] | [i]Strategic thinker[/i] | [i]Charismatic and Inspiring[/i] | [i]Hand-to-hand combat[/i] | [i]Full Agility[/i] Weaknesses: [i]Stubborn and semi-dominant[/i] | [i]Intolerant[/i] | [i]Impatient[/i] | [i]Arrogant[/i] | [i]Poor Handling of Emotions[/i] | [i]Cold and Ruthless[/i] History: [i]Gareth was born in a family outside the Badlands mainly in the unoccupied lands of the Badlands, his father is a German and his mother being a British-American, he is the only son in the family; adapting in the grasslands, he none his family doesn't know what's inside in the Badlands but they heard that it is a wealthy city that controls by a 'tyrant'. When he turned fifteen years old; a group of Inner Circle members killed his father and mother and he survived in the attack, he lost his mind and his personality changed, he was lost until he found an abandoned house that needs him to rest but a group of Young God members found him and held him captive but he soon joined the Young God as the leader offered him to join the rebellion, he said, "Yes, to avenge my parents.", Gareth like this guys as they are planning to have a rebellion against the tyrants who lies in the Badlands. The reason why he joined the Young God it's because of a revenge that killed his parents by the Inner Circle.[/i] Others: [i]None.[/i][/center]