[center][h2]Ren Matsuoko - The Immovable Tsuchikage[/h2][/center] The Tsuchikage was lounging in his office ignoring a large stack of paperwork that rested on his desk when an shinobi opened the bow and reported that the Sankage had arrived at the village gate. Ren thanked the jonin before dismissing him and grabbing his hat from the desk and opening up the window to the office. He had a few quick hand seals and floated out the window toward the direction of the gate. He had never met the Sankage before and wondered what kind of person that she was in person. Ren had heard the legends that were told about her and how she united several different nations under her own flag while she was younger but now she was older and probably even wiser. She would be a good ally for Iwagakure if he could come to terms with her. Just who was this Diplomat that he had heard so much about. As the gate came into view over the tops of the building, it was a surprise to see that the gate was already open which was odd. That was when Ren saw a group of outsider shinobi at the gate surrounded by another group of Iwa shinobi and then there was Tensai that also seemed to have joined the party. He couldn’t have his guests having a rude welcome as he had hopes of building relations with their village. The Tsuchikage touched down just outside the group and pulled his hat over his head as he walked toward the group. [color=a36209]“Scatter.”[/color] The Iwa shinobi disappeared back to their original positions up at the top of the gate to monitor the events from a distance. [color=a36209]“Sorry for the rude welcome, Lady Sankage. I welcome you and your party to Iwagakure.”[/color] He told the Sankage with a bow before turning toward Tensai. [color=a36209]“Good seeing you again Tensai. I see you still carry around that rather annoying staff with you.”[/color] Ren said with a smile as he felt the effects of the old ambassador’s staff though only slightly as he was stronger than most in the village. [color=a36209]“Shall we return to my office? It would probably be a better place to talk than out here at the gate.”[/color] Ren said pleasantly as he gestured back toward the large stone dome building that could be seen just over the rest of the buildings. [center][h2]Hiroshi Wakahisi – Hiroshi of the Invisible Hand[/h2][/center] Hiroshi watched as Shiso ran past him followed by one of Syu-lerne’s puppets and knew he would never hear the end of it if he was the last one to attack the ship. All he had to do was lay down support for Shiso and let her do the rest of the work. As he jumped up onto the rail of the back end of the ship there was a puff of smoke and then there was a two headed puppet floating behind the shinobi. [color=f26522] “Shiso, let us play it safe. We don’t know what we are dealing with here so take no prisoners and execute everyone.”[/color] Hiroshi told his fellow Suna shinobi with a twitch of his fingers sending signals into his puppet. The right mouth opened up and fired out several small black orbs that when hit the deck of the ship exploded into a large cloud of smoke that filled the entire deck. After the smokescreen had covered the entire area he readied the puppet moved into position in front of the user to protect from any attack. Several of Acha’s arms were trained at the smoke ready to shoot down any opponent that came out of it at Hiroshi.