[h3]Pistolera[/h3] I flash the meagrest of half-grins at Accelerate when he agrees to join the JR suicide squad. Though the odds still seem near unbelievably high, and it still looks like my first act as the new boss is gonna be sending half of my team to their untimely demise, but I think their chance of success just went up a notch from [i]certain death[/i] to [i]probably certain death[/i]. It ain't much, but it's something. “Well, now that that's all settled we can. . .” I begin, but get quickly interrupted by a voice, crackling down the intercom. My first thought is that we've been made, that we're fucked. My first instinct is to run, to lose the kids, use them as a distraction to make good my escape. Fuck, but my first instincts are utter bastards. I stay settled, mind working over time. Did the newcomer just mention Sandstorm? What did happen to him? I always assumed that he'd fled the base after our less than stellar night together, too embarrassed to face me the next morning, choosing self-impossed exile over an awkward conversation, just to decide he wasn't coming back after he discovered we murdered half of San Fran. Sure, I was half curious as to what had happened to him, but with everything else that happened since discovering his fate just hadn't been a priority. But by the sounds of it, maybe there was more to his vanishing act than met the eye. That was dependent on if this newcomer was telling the truth or not. He might be one of Luthor's lackeys, just trying to sly his way in. Thing is, he's already found us, so while I could tell him to bugger off, there's no guarantee he'll leave. And if he does, he might inardventally drag all sorts of other attention on us. No, one way or another we have to deal with this now. “I'm gonna let him in, see what he wants. If he tries anything kinky I want you to smash him into paste.” I say to Sentinel. No matter how dangerous this guy is, I don't reckon he could take our resident powerhouse. I buzz the door open, waiting for the newcomer to come in before I continue. “Talk, talk fast, and be convincing. I've got an itchy trigger finger at the best of times, and this is a damn sight from the best of times.” I gesture to Kid Krypton to stand behind the newcomer, blocking his only escape. Whatever this newcomer is planning, he's made his bed now.