I woke up with my horse nudging my side,so I shook myself awake then realized I was in Flyton, the destroyed town that was inside of the forest and the only place that I could remember the name of. With a grunt I pulled myself up using my horse's neck, then fixed my hair that was sticking out in different directions. What happened yesterday flashed back to me, making my heart skip a beat. A few questions started to zoom through my mind, but the main one was: [i]Should I go back?[/i] Of course there is a possibility of this man killing me once I return to the windmill, but I thought I might as well try. After a few moments of cleaning off grass and dust off of my clothes I pulled my cape hood over my head, then pulled myself onto my horse. I turned back to the town with most of the buildings tilted to the side, and one of the forest trees knocked over onto the area. With a sigh, I flicked the reigns galloping away from Flyton and back to the windmill. Once I was in front of the building I slipped off of my horse then walked up to the door, stopping myself before doing anything else. [i]Should I go straight inside like last time or knock?[/i] I thought with confusion. I decided to knock on the door, for safety purposes.