The sudden weight on him made Aoba's eyes pop open in surprise. Seeing Dani, he huffed and let the small demon poke at his face. He doesn't even object when Dani practically moved him like a ragdoll in order to hug him. It was somewhat comforting. Somewhat. At least Aoba wasn't quaking in fear anymore. He was sure his nerves were probably bad now or something. There was no way he could be 'normal' after such life threatening experiences. Laying down for awhile sounded like a good idea. . .Maybe even finding something to make him productive, like feeding the animals. Anything to get him distracted, or to calm him down. Those particular ideas made Aoba look towards the house, ready to do just that until Issho and Kuro began to walk out into the field. Aoba scooted closer to Dani, feeling much safer next to him than near Issho, which gave the demon ample opportunity to hug him more. He was definitely happy about it. “Where are they going?” Aoba’s voice was barely above a whisper. He wasn’t happy with the answer. Not at all. The two brothers were going to fight? That couldn’t possibly be good. His eyes widened a little when Dani declared that he would be getting Homura to take care of him. [i]’This isn’t good. . .’[/i] In moments, Kyou was holding tight to his arm and Dani had disappeared through a portal. He didn’t move from under the tree, using it as some form of false protection. For some reason however, Kyouku’s fears seemed to calm Aoba a little more. It was nice to know that he wasn’t the only one fearing for his life. It was even possible that Kyou was a little more terrified than he was- which Aoba wasn’t aware possible until recently. Both demon and angel watched with wide eyes as weapons were drawn and wings were extended. He had never seen anything like them. As fascinating as it was terrifying, Aoba sat with Kyou, using his free hand to gently pat Kyou’s arm, keeping his eyes glued to what was happening in front of him. There’s no doubt that both are intimidated and in fear, nevertheless, Aoba focused on comforting the demon beside him at least enough to stop him from shaking. Technically, Aoba is safe from the dangers of being attacked- so he realized, so now he was just fearful of the fight that was about to take place. “Oh no, he just got his wing healed.” He knew pleas of being careful wouldn’t cut it this time. All Aoba could do was hope Homura would be able to help him and hope his older brother didn’t hurt him too bad. ~~~~~~ Fenrir watched with awe and fascination at the display between the spawns of Satan. He had never seen anything like it before. In a way, both demons displayed elegance and grace with their mere stances. It was definitely odd to think of the demons anything more than brutish and evil. In fact, it was even more odd that Fenrir was starting to feel sympathy for Kuro. . ? “I couldn’t possibly be worried. He’s a demon. . .” That line wasn’t getting any more convincing than the many times he said it before. Attempting to distract himself from the thoughts, he adjusted in order to check on Aoba. A small, proud smile formed when he noticed that despite his own fear Aoba still managed to try and help the demon next to him. [i]’He cares so much. . .Why didn’t anyone see this before?’[/i] It again makes him a mix of sad and guilty to know that he was a part of the problem, ignoring the young angel even when he was so polite and did nothing wrong. [i]’He’s what many of us should aspire to be like. Truly pure of heart.’[/i]