[hider=Toby Kirtman][center][img] http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll117/mabushiikage/anime-hoodie-male.jpg [/img] [b]Name:[/b] Tobias “Toby” Kirtman [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Powers:[/b] Amorphous Physiology. Simply put, he’s a real life shoggoth. He can create organic matter anyplace on his body, such as teeth, tentacles, hair, extra organs, etc. He can change his body’s shape to anything that could be found in the natural world, though his shapeshifting isn’t perfect. Something will always look “off”. For example, if he tried to change into another person, he would change into what he thinks they look like, not what they actually look like. Using his abilities for long periods of time burns untold amounts of calories, so he is usually hungry and tires quickly. [b]Weapons:[/b] None to speak of, but like stated before, he can use his body to create weapons that are as hard as bone. [b]Bio:[/b] When Tobias was a newborn, he nearly melted in his mother’s arms…literally. After running several tests on his, his doctors determined that there wasn’t anything [b]biologically[/b] wrong with him…he was still human, or at least he had human-like DNA. Still had all of his major organs (although they tended to move around every now and then…), and he had all of his fingers and toes (but again, they tended to move around…). With some instruction, and monitoring by medical professionals, Toby was mostly able to pass for an average human being (with only a few hiccups here and there)…until he hit puberty. Because the chemicals in his body are always in flux in the first place, his hormones went more out of whack than the average teenager’s, and his form became less stable. For roughly a year, he tried to hide from the public but locals will never forget the tales of some inhuman creature, dubbed the [REDACTED] Monster, terrorizing the streets and surrounding area at night. Animals would go missing, never to be seen again, local plant life seemingly disappeared in large chunks, and a few houses were broken into and their refrigerators raided. By the time he was able to get himself back under control, the damage had been done. Wanting to keep everything as secretive as possible, the professionals assigned to his care created a cover story of Toby being transferred to another school: Miss Dawson’s Home for the Truly Gifted. [b]Dreams/Wishes:[/b] He wants to be able to get more control of his form, and maybe live like a normal person. Pretty simple. [b]Evil, Good, Walking the Line:[/b] Tries to be good, seen as evil. Occasionally gives in to his ravenous hunger. [b]Siblings (If Any):[/b] None [b]Pets (If Any):[/b] He wasn’t allowed to take his pet rabbit, Samson, with him.[/center][/hider] [hr] [hider=Amira Landau][center][img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/704d128b5477ad557f1add73a901c2d01239010607_full.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Amira "Mira" Landau [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Powers:[/b] Hard Light constructs. As long as she is near a source of light, she can form it into any solid object she desires. This power is limited by the amount of light present, and she has a tendency to burn out artificial lights when she uses her power. [b]Weapons:[/b] As per her discharge, she's not allowed to possess any weapons. Although, she does carry a Maglite wherever she goes. [b]Bio:[/b] Much of her past is shrouded in mystery. What is known (what she chooses to reveal) is that she is an Israeli expat now living in the United States. She's also known to have been in the military for an unknown number of years, and she earned a certain amount of respect, until it was known that she had powers. She was dishonorably discharged and sent to Miss Dawson's as a sort of punishment. Although she went willingly, she's hardly happy about it. [b]Dreams/Wishes:[/b] A world where Powered humans and Normal humans can live together in harmony. Barring that, maybe simply a place where Powered humans can live without the interference of non-powered humans. [b]Evil, Good, Walking the Line:[/b] Good, if a bit of a Knight Templar at times. [b]Siblings (If Any):[/b] None. [b]Pets (If Any):[/b] None.[/center][/hider] [hr] And now, with Madame Kitten and Love Dove's approval, Miss Dawson's Bodyguard! [hider][center][img] http://static.zerochan.net/Heiwajima.Shizuo.full.161218.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Leo Armistead [b]Age:[/b] [b][REDACTED][/b] [b]Powers:[/b] [b][REDACTED][/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b][REDACTED][/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b][REDACTED][/b] [b]Dreams/Wishes:[/b] To protect Miss Dawson’s Home. Especially Miss Dawson. [b]Evil, Good, Walking the Line:[/b] [b][REDACTED][/b] [b]Siblings (If Any):[/b] [b][REDACTED][/b] [b]Pets (If Any):[/b][b][REDACTED][/b][/center][/hider]