[h2]Luke Schwarz | Armory[/h2] ... [i]I-I thought we were gonna learn about this, not already be doing it![/i] Head suddenly swirling where before it was calm and collected, he stared bleakly down at the grid paper below, trying to get his thoughts together. If he could just get them all in a line, surely he could sift through them all and find one coherent enough as an idea to use! Tapping the end of his eraser against the desk, he attacked this daunting task with all of his fervor, furrowing brow in concentration... but to no avail. It seemed time to pull out what was known in the academic world as [i]The Big Guns[/i]. [i]Phone a friend![/i] [b]Message to: April Schwarz[/b] >sis they actually want me to build stuff in this class WHAT DO HEADGEAR DO I MAKE ... [b]Message From: April Schwarz[/b] >idk mb a scouter? :^) [i]Why the little--[/i] Wait, wait, wait. C- Could that actually work? He spent a long moment pondering the possibilities.