[B]Gratia Mindaro - Armoury[/B] Functional headgear. That was what they were to work on. Gratia idly tapped a long finger against the wood of the table, her short nail impacting against the hard surface with a quiet thud. It was a broad category, and definitely one that required much thought if she were to even begin tackling the assignment. What did 'functional' entail? Could she knit a fucking beanie and pass? They were useful for keeping her head warm during her jaunts into the cold mountain ranges, after all. Relatively easy to clean of Grimm entrails as well. But would their professor ([i][color=66cd00]real fucking outstanding work, Chatsworth; a goddamn rubric would be nice for this shitty assignment[/color][/i]) accept such a thing? Was she going to have to construct a pointless piece of headgear that might get in her way? How irksome. But whatever it was that she made, at least she could ditch it on her cheese-eating manwhore of a team member. The only 'headgear' the huntress really relied upon was her set of headphones, and their utility in battle boiled down to being a way for her to choke others. Her role in a mission tended to be heavily combat-based, almost to the point of extremity, and anything more complicated than that could be ... difficult to integrate into her fighting style. She picked up a pencil, aimlessly spinning it around with her right hand as she gazed down upon the paper solemnly. It was time to begin brainstorming.