all finished! if the history section that involves hector and matthew is off, just tell me what doesn't line up and i'll make the changes when i get back this evening. [hider=Katya Ignatyev] [CENTER][I]Character Theme –[/I] [URL=]Halsey - Drive[/URL] [i]All we do is drive All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign Sick and full of pride All we do is drive[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG][/IMG] [i]Standing at just over six feet tall and built like a brick, Katya cuts an imposing figure. Between wrangling both bikes and riders, spending time in a boxing ring, and simple hardy genetics, she’s packed on the muscle; anyone sane would think twice about taking her on. A hard face and harder living are signified by the small scars that dot her hands and back, a permanently crooked nose, and the tattoos that cover her [url=]left arm[/url], [url=]right shoulder[/url], and [url=]upper back[/url]. She’ll gladly tell you the story for each (if you have the balls to ask), but the eight-pointed stars on the front of each shoulder are off-limits. She wears no makeup, and if her shoulder-length hair isn't down, it's back in a tight ponytail to keep it out of her face. Usually reserved, but when she does speak, it’s with a lingering trace of a Russian accent.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Katya Ignatyev[/I] 【[U]Nick-name?[/U]】 [I]The Bear[/I] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 [I]Female[/I] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]26[/I] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I](to be revealed IC)[/I] 【[U]Birth Place[/U]】 [I]Near St. Petersburg, but has lived in Norfolk since she was nine.[/I] 【[U]Club Status[/U]】 [I]First X and Road Captain[/I] 【[U]Profession[/U]】 [I]Manufacturing—heavy lifting and forklift driver down at the local auto plant.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [I]For her size and obvious strength, Katya is surprisingly quiet. She’s not unfriendly, but reserved, more willing to listen to others than talk herself. She considers every word before she says it—this slow speech and her large size combine to give the impression of stupidity, at first glance. Make no mistake, though, she’s smarter than many of her peers—she just likes to see the whole of a situation before diving in. That being said, she’s also incredibly loyal to the club and all its members, from the president to the prospects. Having no family of her own left, she’s latched onto the Yare Raiders instead. While she usually prefers to stop conflicts without violence—trust me, she’s being merciful, not a coward—threats against the club, especially the younger members, are one of her berserk buttons. She’s not one to showboat, but she will put you down if you’re causing too much trouble. She also values discipline, and while she’s more than happy to run point on drug operations, she never takes them herself, and never has. Alcohol, however, is something she takes in great quantities and with great fervor. Her nickname, ‘the Bear,’ comes both from her heritage and her protective instinct, especially towards those younger than her. Usually, she doesn’t make it obvious what she’s doing when she steps in on someone’s behalf—just a quiet threat or a silent glare when needed. Towards women, however, especially younger women, she’s more likely to offer a brass fist towards any threats than try and talk them down. Because of this, she holds a special hate in her heart for Reapers—she despises any and all forms of human trafficking. She saw enough hollow-eyed ‘exotic’ girls back East.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [I]Katya’s family has a long and…’colorful’ history. The Ignatyevs were longtime players in the Russian mob—specifically in matters that involved less finesse, such as extortion, arson, fixing fights, etcetera. Katya was the second youngest of six children; her mother died shortly after giving birth to her younger brother. Her father was a professional boxer and the most removed from the family business, but she was mostly raised by her four uncles, who were [/i]very[i] involved. She has fond childhood memories from both sides of the life—being lookout for an uncle or two, and sitting ringside with her father. Her father was careful—although they had plenty of money squirreled away, they never showed it, packed in three to a bed in tiny tenement housing. What Katya remembers of Russia is mostly pleasant, and she has plenty of nostalgic tales to tell. Of course, that all changed when she was eight. Her oldest brother, Mikhail (more widely known as ‘the family disappointment’, unfortunately), was arrested for shoplifting. They would’ve given him a slap on the wrist, maybe a few hours in a holding cell, but someone recognized the false family name he’d been taught to give and realized who this kid really was. They threw him in a holding cell for a night, but the agent they brought in had barely opened his mouth when Mikhail started blabbing. He rolled on his family. All of them. Katya never dreamed what was happening only a few miles away at the police station—but within a week, every local safehouse the Ignatyevs had was raided. Business was worse than ruined, the family scattered—those that managed to escape, that is. Katya’s father, uncles, and most of her older siblings and cousins were killed or lockedu p for life within weeks. In the case of the youngest family members, they were taken into government custody; the only reason Katya escaped was because Mikhail proved to be as much of a coward as ever and warned them at the last minute. Katya’s father got his youngest three children out, the only ones he could safely move in such a short time—to this day, she’s still ‘Unknown Female, aged 7-9’ on the Ignatyev file. Her brother and sister perished on the hard trek out of Russia. She still remembers, clear as day, her father saying goodbye—telling her to be strong. Katya was on her own—for good. After finally making her way out of her homeland, she slowly moved east across Europe. The longer she traveled, the quieter she became, and the more odd skills she picked up. Eventually, she became a grunt for one of the crime syndicates in Eastern Europe, using the skills she’d only observed as a child. She spent ten years there before she decided she had to get out—not so much because she was tired of the violence, more because she was hearing rumors about the Ignatyev case being reopened, and too many people were starting to know her name. In her book, any notoriety was bad notoriety. Another long trek and her first motorcycle later, she ended up in England, as far as she could go without crossing the Atlantic, and decided to stay there. She got involved with a few mid-level dealers in the area around Yarmouth, mostly running guard duty on shipments and occasionally roughing up the minor thugs, and that’s how she met Hector Zelos. Well…’met’ is a strong word. She fished him out of a dumpster—literally—after taking out the two thugs who’d tried mugging him when he was stoned out of his mind. She brushed him off and went on her way, but not two weeks later, she found herself pulling him out of trouble again, this time an ill-advised bar brawl. Her duties took her in and out of Yarmouth proper, and it started to seem like everywhere she went, there was Hector. To this day, she doesn’t know if he did it on purpose, but they ended up in a curious kind of friendship. She was around when he sobered up, and she mentioned his name to her employers—which helped significantly in the transition from junkie to dealer. When Hector and Axe started riding again, it reminded her of some of the few good memories of her earlier years—talking shop with hitchhikers in a boxcar, learning the basics of bike maintenance from an ex-con with one hand, and riding a bike of her own on the barren roads of western Ukraine. When talk started about a formal club, Katya signed on immediately, and she’s never regretted it once.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】 [I][list][*]Master of vehicles—This applies to motorcycles, cars, trucks, 4-wheelers, you name it. She can also perform basic repairs on most vehicles, although for major or fine repairs you’ll need to go elsewhere. [*]Hand to hand fighter—Katya’s been involved with boxing all her life, and she certainly packs a punch. Her pain tolerance is extremely high, and she often simply won’t notice minor blows until after a fight. She also carries brass knuckles and at least one knife on her at all times, and is known to improvise some pretty creative weapons in a pinch. [*]Officially ordained—Technically, according to the internet, she’s an ordained priest. It’s ninety percent a joke, five percent an excuse to call vodka ‘holy water,’ and five percent a serious tie to her past, but if anyone needs to get married in minutes, she’s your lady. [*]Dog person—Has an uncanny skill with training and keeping dogs. Her father owned a pair of rottweilers back in Russia, and she picked up a few stray canines for a time on her journey across Europe. [*]Multilingual—Fluent in English and Russian, can muddle her way through most Slavic languages, and knows a few phrases in a handful of odd tongues.[/list][/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Equipment[/U]】 [I][u]Clothing[/u] Day to day, Katya can be seen in a snug black sleeveless shirt, black jeans, dark aviators, and knee-high steel-toed boots that have seen their fair share of wear and tear. When riding, she adds the club jacket, fingerless leather gloves, and a cracked and scuffed helmet that’s seen better days (she once used it to break a man’s nose; that particular dent she’s outlined with a key scratch). Her jacket she keeps in good condition almost religiously. The base itself is a black leather bomber jacket, decorated with the First X and Road Captain patches on the front in addition to the standard club patches. Her own additions include a tiny, barely-noticeable [url=]Eastern Orthodox cross pin[/url] sewn to the inside left breast and a bear’s head symbol on her right shoulder, mimicking the tattoo beneath. [u]Bike[/u] Katya rides a custom Harley Davidson Dyna Street Bob that she keeps in peak condition—what she can’t fix herself, she brings to Axe. In her usual style, the bike is almost entirely black, but instead of a shiny finish almost every surface is matte.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Opinions[/U]】 [I][u]Club Direction[/u] When Hector was president, Katya was content with the ways of the club—moving drugs, racketeering, etcetera—but now that he’s gone, she doesn’t know what to think. Her loyalty to Hector is no longer as much of a factor—she doesn’t believe in keeping things stagnant just because ‘that’s what he would have wanted’—but she’s also not sure what else the club could do. She’s also privately worried that if they become a legitimate club, she’ll have no place in the operations—if the club changes, can she change with it? To sum up, she’s content with things the way they are, but she’s open to being convinced. [u]Other Members[/u] Axe - Katya is not nearly as close to Axe as she was to Hector, but close enough. She respects him, of course, but she’s also dubious that he can truly bring the club out into the light and keep it going at the same time. (to be finished as other characters appear)[/I] [/CENTER] [/hider]