[center] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/78fe/i/2015/276/8/7/i_ll_put_a_spell_on_u_by_thejadedoptimist-d9bsrt0.png[/img] [u][b]NAME[/b][/u] Hanayumi Aoi [u][b]GENDER[/b][/u] Female [u][b]AGE[/b][/u] Fifteen [u][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/u] (oks h it im still in school ill do this l8r) (pink hair,, uhhh idk eyes,, rly pale,..)) [u][b]ABOUT HIM/HER[/b][/u] Standing at a petite 4'6 and weighing like air, Aoi is your typical girl that enjoys hexes and spells and horoscopes. An avid collector of wax dolls and voodoo kits, her cute appearance comes off a bit creepy when she's found trying to nail a straw doll into a tree. Now, Aoi isn't doing it to curse anyone in particular, if anything, she does it for love. A typical teenager, the small girl easily falls for people-- boys and girls alike who give her a lick of time-- and often checks horoscopes for compatibility and then uses cursed dolls to try and make them fall in love with her. [u][b]CLASSES[/b][/u] MATH ENGLISH DRAMA MUSIC [u][b]CLUBS[/b][/u] STUDENT COUNCIL While her curses don't give her the love luck she desires, Aoi is surprisingly lucky with other matters and is in charge of the treasury. Her luck allows her to talk to the teachers and convince them about funding, which makes her an important factor to other clubs when they require funding. Or maybe the teachers are just scared of her weird wax dolls.... [u][b]HOBBIES[/b][/u] +Reading horoscopes +Falling in love +Stalking +Confessing +Carving wax dolls +making love charms +making love hexes [u][b]OUTLOOK[/b][/u] Fall in love!!! Date!!! Kiss!!! [/center]