[quote=@Royzooka] This one is not a bitch but more of a why. I have noticed when I put casual as the writing level I seem to find more people who suit free then anyone in the mid-casual to high-casual range. I wonder why that is? Do people just ignore it or something. I do find a few who put casual but end up being free as well, I have nothing against free. It is just there is no real detail in one liners or 2 sentences, I try to put some form of detail when I write but I do time to time forget but my post size makes up for it. [/quote] So what's the definition of Casual? I had a similar problem to you and I argued why it was in the casual section as the post we're moving way too fast. The response is that they were very casual about their efforts in the role play. So really what they we're saying was that they we're happy with people doing their thing and writing up long posts on an few hourly basis, something I found impossible to keep up. Comparing casual to free and advanced seems to be more on the levels of detail rather than writing length. [B]Example[/b] Free: I open the door and entered the room. Casual: I turned the handle, opened the door and entered the dark room. Advanced: I held the brass door handle within my grasps and turned it as gently as possible. The wooden door creaked as it opened and exposed a new world, a room darkened by the absesce of light. As I entered I could feel my body entering into the shadows before me. I think the best way to overcome your exact problem is to list or ask the GM what the minimum posting length (300 words is roughly to this point in this post, and that seems like a decent minimum) and rough timeframe (1 a day/3 days/etc). Sadly people don't always want to move up to advanced when they are probably perfectly suited for it, but I do believe it's because it's an all open class with little publicity. I have a similar problem with my RC car racing where 'Stock 13.5' is a middle speed class and is one of the most popular because people want to go faster than the standard 'Sports 21.5' class but don't like the idea of an open, choose the most insane motor you can find, high speed class; its why most people play games on medium; why they choose 10hr campaigns as opposed to grand 100hr adventures; it's why people people stick to certain gradings in sport. The skill level, becomes Higher and the amount of effort becomes more time consuming, so people will stick to a happy medium.