Yes most will be staring with the group that just arrived on the planet. Now to give you guys an idea of the planet. [b]Planet Beryl[/b] A very dry planet with little vegetation and water meaning it can often look like a wasteland for miles. Most cities are situation around the various oasis scattered around the planet, the few sources of water around. What makes the Planet interesting is that it has massive deposits of Valuable materials and precious metals, making it an ideal mining planet. Mines are very common on the planet as precious metals are in great abundance. The natives are the planet the Berylians, a somewhat stout species, usually only five feet high at most, that have a very unique biology. Berylians are born with an exoskeleton that covers their entire bodies, making them look somewhat like insects or crabs. The exoskeletons are unique as they take on properties of the material they were born with. Berylians are born by eggs which are then nested in 'material bins', the eggs absorb the nest materials and encodes it into the Berylian's exoskeletal system. Because of how they are born there are as many different types of Berylians as there are minerals. Of course the more expensive materials are reserved for the more wealthy Berylians. The Berylian way of life however is once again in danger due to the recent invasion.