Arch took notice that Karia's mother was more than aware of the girls ability to see dead people. He moved to the table in the kitchen and sat down only to have the questioning look given to him by the older woman. Karia's words about his tattoo had him giving her an uncomfortable look. He'd never shown anyone the tattoo and move people missed it leaving him without having to explain himself. He sighed under his breath wondering what the hell he'd gotten himself into and pulled his watch off, moving his wrist and forearm under the bright kitchen light. "The men that attacked Karia tonight had the same markings as I and it almost seemed like they came down from the sky in a bolt of lightening, as ridiculous as that sounds." He stiffened as Karia's mother grabbed his arm, the woman definitely having recognized something about his tattoo, no matter how faint it was. "This cannot be... how do you," she looked up at Arch, releasing his arm and grabbing his chin to turn his face a little this way and that while she studied him. It took all of his wit to not jerk back, people in general never taking to kindly to him and where he'd pretty much shut himself off emotionally from them this was a little to intimate for him. She realized the look in his gaze and let him go, a soft apology on her lips. "Why in the world would Zues send people after my baby? And if he did, why would his own flesh and blood fight them off?" She spoke to herself, biting at her lip as she moved about. The room started to darken and coldness swept around them, the light flickering above Arch's head. He wanted to dig into her questions as he believed she'd called him the son of Zues. He knew nothing of his father and pretty much figured this woman for a loony at this point, but something about her claims found residence within his heart. He hadn't time to utter a question as the world around them began to shift, his heart beating faster and faster. He stood and grabbed Karia, pulling her behind him and waiting to see what the hell was unfolding before them.