[center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/e8e9/f/2008/269/2/e/vrell__world_of_gods_by_rhineville.jpg[/img] [i]As the last embers of the dying world faded away, the gods looked on, distraught at the state of affairs. How had it come to this? The world that they had nurtured, cared for, was now no more. It didn't take long for them to begin to turn on each other, listing all the grievances the other gods had inflicted upon them and their worshipers. One sharp, booming word echoed throughout what was left of the universe. "Enough!" Falke, God of Order, stepped forward, and began denouncing the chaos that had seeped in their ranks. Arguing over blame was for children, not beings as immortal as they. He announced that he would create a new world, which they would build with respect for one another, working together to ensure peace and harmony and- "Another round! Another round!", some of the gods began shouted excitedly, and soon all of them were cheering, planning, boasting and threatening. "Another round of the Divine Game!" one of them shouted. Falke sighed. So much for peace and order.[/i] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I think most people on these boards hold a passion for two things: RPing, and worldbuilding. Well, it's time we tried mixing the two once again! In this RP, we'll be playing as nothing less than gods, engaged in playing the 'Divine Game', creating a new world from scratch. We'll be using the Dawn of Worlds rulebook. You can read the entire thing in this [url=http://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf]Reference Manual[/url], or you can read an abridged version here: [hider=Procedure] At the start of each turn, I will roll 2d6 dies for everyone in the RP; your result will correspond to the amount of 'God Points' you can spend doing... godly things. Note that points are conserved from round to round, so you can save up for doing crazy things. Here's the actions you can take in a round: [img]http://i.imgur.com/42diOex.png[/img] The shape climate action as described in the reference manual is accomplished free of charge whenever you shape the land. Now, the game is divided into three ages, as you may have noticed. The first age is shaping the world; the second, shaping mortals; the third, full on WAUGH and divine feuds. Every age will last a minimum of 5 turns, probably longer, according to my discretion and the will of the players. Note that I may do random events or such things when I think the game needs a shakeup. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheets] The application sheets should contain the following elements, though you are of course free to add other fluff. I retain the right to add stuff to this as the need becomes apparent. I'm going to ask that players post tentative sheets in the OOC before putting them in the character tab, so I have a chance to vet them first. [b]Name:[/b] Your deities name(s). You can add titles here if you want. [b]Aspect:[/b] Describe your god's area of influence (god of fire, god of prosperity, ect). You can have several, and they can also intersect with what other gods already have, as long as you have your own 'niche'. For example, there can be a god of fire and industry, and a god of fire and war; they're both permissible because they cover different aspects of fire. [b]Personality:[/b] Explain how your god acts and thinks. [b]Avatar:[/b] What form(s) does your god prefer to appear as? (If any) [/hider] [hider=The Map, Modification rules, cartesian coordinates, ect] Now, as for the map, we'll be using this rather large one I made: [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/30rgJbk.jpg[/img][/hider] Note that it uses a grid system. Here's how it works: We'll be referring to tiles by the point at the lower left of them. So say you want to spend points to modify the land of this tile: [hider=Tile][img]http://i.imgur.com/McBVrDd.png[/img][/hider] In that case, you'd say "I want to change tile (1,1) by doing X", (1,1) because the lower-left point is the at the intersection between x=1 and y=1.[/hider] One final note: This is, of course, an RP, so I'll expect players to, well, RP. But I understand that, especially early in the game, there won't be much TO rp. With that in mind, I'm going to separate god actions and RP: Player posts will include an initial RP sectional, and a hider at the end containing their actions and point expenditures. Now, I still expect you guys to RP when you do a new action, but if you're just modifying land the same way you've been doing for the last three turns, you don't need to invent a new contrived explanation for it each time. [/center]