[h1]Jasmine Plunkett[/h1] [hr] A month of darkness. Jasmine had been seated on her wool-draped couch, tilting her head up as the announcement sounded throughout the building. She'd been told about it beforehand and, honestly, she was looking forward to it. Perfect excuse to just sit around and not do a damn thing. She had her TV remote in one hand and a can of Sprite in the other. When the announcement made out the word of a banquet, her brain immediately boiled it down into several other words. Free, food, and bloodsports. God she loved the idea of bloodsports. Wished they were still around. "Feast." She whispered to herself. She shut her TV off without checking whatever channel she'd mindlessly flipped to. The standard cable selection here never struck her fancy with any programs. She downed the last of the Sprite and tossed the can into her little kitchen's garbage bin. She contemplated washing her hair or putting deodorant on for about two seconds before remembering who she was as a person. Armed in some baggy jeans and a few layers of shirts, she made her way out her apartment door to begin her long and arduous journey up to floor fourteen. And while completely unnecessary, she mentally prepared herself to die historic on the Fury Road.