[hider=Neko Form][img]http://s11.postimg.org/ggbkczldv/Photo_Editor_1443826110778.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Human Form][img]http://s24.postimg.org/ez8miwwat/Photo_Editor_1443652620901.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Jasmina Leo (Her full name means Sexy Lioness, which if anyone found out she'd kill them.... Literally) Age: 21 Powers: Transformation into a Neko, Cat like agility, flexibility, speed, and the ability to always land on her feet Weapons: Her Claws [hider=Bio]Jasmina was born into this world with cat ears and a tail.... Something the doctors had seen only a few times and could only explain as a birth defect with their genetic material. Her mother had the same birth defect, though she told her when she was younger that her ears and tail receeded back into her body which made the young girl fascinated with the science behind such a thing. She tried to figure out how that could possibly be for years, but couldn't figure it out for the life of her. Her mother passed away from a miscarriage that was supposed to be Jasmina's little brother when she was ten years old, leaving behind a beautiful pocket watch turned into a necklace made out of pure gold and weighed quite a bit in her will. The woman's casket remained closed, as she had asked her husband for a closed casket since she wanted to have the unborn child laid to rest in her arms. As morbid as that was to her husband, the man agreed and did exactly as she requested. Jasmina hid the necklace and refused to tell anyone where it was, and a few years passed before she decided to look at it once again. She figured she'd put it on for her 13th birthday party to have a part of her mom there with her, so when she put it on she was surprised when her ears and tails disappeared. She took it off and they reappeared, repeating this process over and over till she figured this was the way her mother hid her ears and tail, not some scientific miracle or such. From then on she kept on that necklace, finally being able to go to public school and making a lot of friends. At age 15 she began to fill out more than everyone expected, having all the boys fawn over her because of the growing size of her assets. She grew to hate how she looked, but then grew to hate men in general. She surrounded herself with female friends that hated men as much as she did, though not all of them had the same reason as she did. She decided in her senior year of high school that she wanted to teach at an all female school, getting her college degree in History and Science though it only took her 2 years to finish with her bachelors because of taking Advanced courses in high school. Though one day she was assaulted by a fellow classmates and he stole he necklace. She was furious, hunting him down and killing him before she took back her necklace. The campus police found her covered in blood, trying to solder her necklace back together in the welding workshop classroom. She was taken into custody and she was eventually given her necklace back, but only when she was safely inside the walls of Miss. Dawson's home, where she was made into a teacher of sorts and was put to work helping others gain control of their powers and teaching the younger ones History of the world and Science. Dreams/Wishes: To Find someone who [i]doesn't[/i] stare at her breasts all the time and settle down with them.... And bury her Neko self down so she can have a normal life. Unless her kids get kitty ears and a tail like she did when she was born.... Then she'd have to explain to her husband about her [i]circumstances[/i] and hopefully they'd develop her skills of transformation.[/hider] Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Walking the Line, teetering towards Evil Siblings (If Any): None Pets (If Any): None