CiS forces appeared in the Anobis system and the Republic forces barely had time to respond. A distress signal was sent out for all available Republic forces to respond and defend the system. The CiS forces were here in bulk, and help was definitely needed if the odds were going to be evened out. The Republic had only just recently gained control of the system and it was a hard fought battle, so everything that was now being thrown at them was a counter attack attempting to retake the system. Master Liona's fleet was the first to respond, coming out of hyperspace a good distance away from the battle, her three Venators waiting and not moving from the point they jumped in at. It wasn't long before the ships started to move forward, picking a small group of CiS frigates that had strayed a ways too far from the battle, launching fighters and bombers. The fighters headed in first, covering the bombers who focused all their firepower on a single frigate, hoping to take it down quickly in a shadow strike, hoping they could have the frigate finished off before the enemy even realized they were under attack. As the bombers moved in the Venators moved in, positioning themselves just right so their full firepower could be focused on the frigates from afar, not wanting to move in too closely. After all, there were quite a few ships here, and it was a mess. The admirals and other generals were commanding the 'front lines' of this battle. It was best for the smaller fleets to stay back and keep smaller enemy groups from trying to maneuver around the battle. And that's just what Liona's ships were doing, making sure anyone who strayed too far from the main battle paid for it dearly.