Takisir sighed inwardly, his helmet currently resting on he edge of the hologram-table, one of his hands rubbing at the temples of his head. Without fail, following a string of bad luck at one of the many little gambling dens around Kuat, he had just started to turn his luck around when word of the CiS fleet approaching the Anobis system had reached him, leading to him currently being aboard his personal cruiser, the Stryke, alongside the Victory & 2 Venator Class Star Destroyers en-route to join the battle, which had already started, if the holo-table was accurate. Scooping up his helmet and keying the com-system he gave the order to prepare for battle, the fleet emerging from hyperspace a few minutes later towards the rear of the main Republic forces. Takisir ordered his Victory & Venator class ships to fill a series of gaps in the Republic battle-line. As for their fighters & bombers, Takisir had them from up around the Stryke, peeling away from the main front of the battle, planning to hunt down stray ships while also doing his best to deter enemy fighters & bombers.