[center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4ctoe6wdy1rur2fwo2_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][i]She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man She dreams in colour, she dreams in red, can't find a better man Can't find a better man Can't find a better man[/i][/center] To the random passerby, Griffin simply appeared to be relaxing. Clad in thick pioneer headphones that blared 90s rock, Griffin was lost in his own little world. But there was a purpose to his lone vigil on Half-Blood Hill, though he'd never admit it. For days, Ky' vie had been gone on whatever glorified errand the Oracle had sent her on, and was expected to return today. That, and it let him hide from any potential work Chiron would put him to if he was found. Lazily leaning against Thalia's Pine, Griffin did not initially react as he caught two figures approaching him out of his peripheral vision. One brief glimpse of bubblegum pink hair was enough to identify Syleste. And no one had a more melancholy air than Erin, who walked side-by-side with his bubbly blind friend. Griffin picked up Erin's mocking words over his music (unfortunately), and pulled his headphones down so they rested around his neck, mussing up his hair for a moment before turning to face the two girls, both hands finding his jacket pockets. "I'd rather be a puppy than a tour guide, love." He finally replied with a bemused grin, knowing full-well that Erin had been 'honorably chosen' to greet any newcomers to Camp. "'Fraid your PMS can't contest with Wine God's bullheadedness, Skeleta -- he threaten to turn you into a minnow again? I've been keeping count." Not waiting for an answer, Griffin moved closer to the duo, the subdued music still audible through his displaced headphones. Cocking his head to the side to land on Syleste, Griffin cast a more sincere smile, though he knew she couldn't see it. "Hello, Syl." He greeted in a tone that was almost uncharacteristically warm; one he saved almost solely for her. "You on damage control?" He asked, eyeing Erin briefly. He'd known her for a number of years now, and many things she was - but welcoming was not among them. Before he could receive an answer to his query, a third voice, this one new, called out from the top of the hill. Turning on his heel, Griffin's purview landed on a well-built figure. Whoever this stranger was, he was a fighter, Griffin could easily detect that from his daunting stature, the air around him. "Let the games begin." Griffin mumbled, his words loud enough that only Syleste and Erin, given their close proximity, could detect. The stranger came closer, only stopping when he was within speaking distance of the two girls. As he introduced himself, Griffin couldn't help but raise a brow in intrigue. "A transfer, eh? And one of the big 'uns. Suppose I can die happy now." He noted aloud, but otherwise remained silent, deciding to let his tour guide for the day lead him along. [i]'Gods help him.'[/i] Griffin thought to himself with another small grin, praying that Erin was in at least a [i]decent[/i] mood.